Vegas update

As I am writing this, some barely clothed girl is shoving her bosom and buttucks in my face. She is wondering why I am on the laptop. Well I have to give an update to the hottest blog on the internet that is sweeping the cyber community.
Anyway, I got up at 3:30 a.m. on saturday for my flight to Atlanta. In Atlanta I was to meet my father and we would go on a flight together to Las Vegas. 7 a.m. in Atlanta and I'm at my gate. The flight leaves at 8:55 a.m. and I'm expecting my dad to show up anytime from Virginia. Lo and behold it's boarding time and my dad is nowhere to be seen. Lo and behold it's 8:55 a.m. and I'm off to Vegas alone having no idea what happened to my dad. And he's the one with the hotel reservations. Was this just some elaborate practical joke to have me go off to Vegas by myself? Or had something bad happened to my dad?
I thought it was odd that he did not call to let me know what was going on. Turns out his flight got in late and he arrived at the gate at 9:01 a.m.
When I got into Vegas there was finally a message on my cell. The good thing was that my dad was alive, and more good news, he was catching another flight and I would only have to wait about an hour and a half for him.
Well, so far I have seen a reality show contestant, saw the Penn & Teller show, met Penn & Teller, rode a rollercoaster on the top of the Stratosphere, been to Hoover Dam, been to old time Vegas on freemont st., and visited some of the hotels such as the Luxor, Ceasar's Palace, Bellagio, the Wynn, Harrah's, etc.
I saw they had "War" at the Wynn, I think I will play that. I'm about to start my gambling tonight, some craps....maybe some War.....maybe some slots.
Oh, and to those in the know of my predicament...some of the fine restaurants I've eaten at include McDonald's twice and KFC. Jealous??? There are a zillion interesting restaurants here, but I will have no chance of going to any of them unless I am rude and leave my company and go by myself.
I'm excited to talk about Penn & Teller, but not now......the naked lady with boobs in my face is getting annoyed.
And I call Bullshit on Penn & Teller. Ha! Get it? Cause... they have... that show and... oh forget it.
Anonymous, at 11:34 PM
Yeah I think I was in a morbid mood when I wrote that. I changed it. But you know, Penn & Teller will get you in a morbid state of mind.
DeNirogator, at 12:16 AM
Geez, I was only kidding. You didn't have to go all George Lucas on us.
Anonymous, at 8:08 AM
Did you go see Leann Rhimes or Celene?
Anonymous, at 1:50 PM
Mac King and Penn & Teller.
DeNirogator, at 9:33 AM
That's the most action packed photo ever! Look at your excitement!
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM
well if I knew how to do a caption, I would have made fun of it already. (I did on myspace). I have more photos, but dont know how to do a slide show or anything like that. Though I can't say I'm exactly dancing in other photos either. Usually that's the nature of photos, you are still....
DeNirogator, at 12:43 PM
Oh right, I forgot... Myspace rocks and all that. It helped you meet Urban Meyer and 3 people pretending to be Tina Fey.
Anonymous, at 2:13 PM
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