His house is an awful temptation of nothing but chocolate thingies and sugary overdoses. This is why I always bring my own diet beverages and granola bars.
Location: Jacksonville/Orange Park, Florida, United States
Well, well, well. Looky what we have here. You think you can read this "About Me" and just size me right up huh? Nice try....I'm on to you. And don't sit there staring at the computer looking all innocent. The jig is up. You thought the jig was down, it aint..it's up.
Anyway, I'm pretty simple, I just like to have good times. I don't like to be hastled or hustled, and I try to keep my head above water and make a wave when I can. You know, temporary layoffs.....good times. Easy credit rip offs? Man those are good times. Scratchin' and Survivin', good times. Hanging in a chow line? Good times, you know good times. Aint we lucky we got em? Anyway, if you'd like to contact me, my email address is deniro27@msn.com
Love the facial expression, dvdguy!
Also, kudos for the strategic placement of Photo Of Child That I Assume Is Nephew on the table! Should be good for Family Brownie Points...
Anonymous, at 8:06 PM
I believe melissagator has just said something very filthy.
Anonymous, at 9:56 AM
Krispy Kreme, Zingers, Ice Cream, Fudge Shoppe cookies?
jsb, at 2:51 PM
....and theres so much more you don't see in the frame of the picture.
DeNirogator, at 3:00 PM
His house is an awful temptation of nothing but chocolate thingies and sugary overdoses. This is why I always bring my own diet beverages and granola bars.
Anonymous, at 3:45 PM
and all are welcome to enjoy the sugary and chocolately goodness. I'm a modern day Willy Wonka. (The Gene Wilder type, not the depp one)
DeNirogator, at 3:47 PM
I contibute my skyrocket in weight to the periods of time I spend around this trough.
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM
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