American Inventor episode 3: invent with a vengeance
Okay, well maybe we'll try a little of the liveblogging thing for once. My previous so-called liveblogging was me just posting completely inane photos and offering no commentary whatsoever of the Oscars.
This time I'll give it a try for real. Though I can't really say liveblogging....more timedelayed DVR blogging.
Here we go:
The Perfect Pet Petter. This guy invented a mannequin hand that moves from side to side, to pet your dog while you are gone. The guy actually said, "just set it and forget it!". While this thing moves, the guy has recorded his voice saying over and over, "You are such a good boy! mwah mwah mwah!!! What a good boy!!". Totally freaky and gets a "no" quickly from the panel.
Next up is a gentleman with a belt that is designed to give you a full body work out by pulling cords on the belt. This could be a good one if the guy gets the resistance up. It didn't look like anything more than moving your arms in different directions while holding the cord. And the judges said it didn't offer enough resistance. But if he gets that fixed, it could be good, and he gets a "yes".
Next up is Tony Shaloub's older brother with the "sha-poopy". Which is basically a pooper scooper designed for you to hold it WHILE your pet is pooping, catching it before the feces hits the ground.
We also have an alarm clock that is designed as a bouncing ball that jumps around and away from you so that you have to get out of bed and chase it to turn it off, thus I assume, waking you up in the process.
What else do we have.....a bra specifically designed for women with breast implants, that's right a really big bra..........finger cozys "it's like a hat for your fingers", jeez I thought there was this previous invention called gloves that can cover even more than just the fingertips! The whole hand actually!
The "ToeJam". An amputed foot on your kitchen table that dispenses jelly out of the toes.......A plate that has a drop down hole to stick your drink in one of the judges has been accused that he has blood on his hands when somebody drowns because he didn't approve of his lifesaver on a rope invention.......
Now here's the emotion....past episodes have poured it on thick, luckily it's been sparse this episode.......the crying this time is about an electronic game that is designed to be educational! One of the judges says, "the name of the show is American Inventor, not American Sob Story". The man has poured $80,000 dollars into this game...for his efforts, money and tears, he gets a yes.
I kinda wish dotcom would blog this show, she's much more skilled and talented at providing commentary/critiques than I am.
This time I'll give it a try for real. Though I can't really say liveblogging....more timedelayed DVR blogging.
Here we go:
The Perfect Pet Petter. This guy invented a mannequin hand that moves from side to side, to pet your dog while you are gone. The guy actually said, "just set it and forget it!". While this thing moves, the guy has recorded his voice saying over and over, "You are such a good boy! mwah mwah mwah!!! What a good boy!!". Totally freaky and gets a "no" quickly from the panel.
Next up is a gentleman with a belt that is designed to give you a full body work out by pulling cords on the belt. This could be a good one if the guy gets the resistance up. It didn't look like anything more than moving your arms in different directions while holding the cord. And the judges said it didn't offer enough resistance. But if he gets that fixed, it could be good, and he gets a "yes".
Next up is Tony Shaloub's older brother with the "sha-poopy". Which is basically a pooper scooper designed for you to hold it WHILE your pet is pooping, catching it before the feces hits the ground.
We also have an alarm clock that is designed as a bouncing ball that jumps around and away from you so that you have to get out of bed and chase it to turn it off, thus I assume, waking you up in the process.
What else do we have.....a bra specifically designed for women with breast implants, that's right a really big bra..........finger cozys "it's like a hat for your fingers", jeez I thought there was this previous invention called gloves that can cover even more than just the fingertips! The whole hand actually!
The "ToeJam". An amputed foot on your kitchen table that dispenses jelly out of the toes.......A plate that has a drop down hole to stick your drink in one of the judges has been accused that he has blood on his hands when somebody drowns because he didn't approve of his lifesaver on a rope invention.......
Now here's the emotion....past episodes have poured it on thick, luckily it's been sparse this episode.......the crying this time is about an electronic game that is designed to be educational! One of the judges says, "the name of the show is American Inventor, not American Sob Story". The man has poured $80,000 dollars into this game...for his efforts, money and tears, he gets a yes.
I kinda wish dotcom would blog this show, she's much more skilled and talented at providing commentary/critiques than I am.
"We also have an alarm clock that is designed as a bouncing ball that jumps around and away from you so that you have to get out of bed and chase it to turn it off, thus I assume, waking you up in the process."
Dammit, that's similar to my idea! You make an alarm clock out of something soft yet bouncy. You can only hit snooze by throwing it. Then you have to go find it 7 minutes later to turn it off. Now you're awake.
Anonymous, at 8:48 AM
I think the best invnetion of the week was the drink cup with holder.
If you want more details on it, its featured in the Inventor's Gallery at
It also has some fun comentary and chat about the show.
Anonymous, at 10:30 AM
Anonymous people are so helpful.
Not like those jerks with names and such...
DeNirogator, at 10:55 AM
Anonymous people can be helpful, even when anonymous so I am glad you can appreciate the value of their comments and not just whether they display a name.
The site
is a good one for folks interested in the show, but even more, a really good resource for inventors lik me struggling to find an audience for my product.
I appreciate what they are doing, think they are doing a good job, and along with a bunch of fellow inventors, have taked upon ourselves to tell folks about the site.
I don't have a blog so I join in where I think the blog interesting or worthy. Nothing wrong with that right?
Anonymous, at 3:38 AM
No, I was just joking around in my comment. I love the show as well and as I said in a previous post about the show, I think it's much better than American Idol.
But can I suggest something? Rather than click "anonymous", click on "other" when posting a comment. You dont have to have a blog to do that, and you can put in any name you choose to be called by. It can be your real name or a username you decide. Then at least we know when you are commenting and not get you confused with another anonymous person.
DeNirogator, at 12:07 PM
Maybe I will be anonymous from now on too.
Who could it be....
Anonymous, at 4:03 PM
I dont even know why they have that anonymous feature. They should just take it away. If someone wants to, they can type in "anonymous" under other....
DeNirogator, at 5:01 PM
I think this is a great feature.
Anonymous, at 8:22 AM
Well I'm considering taking it away from my blog. I just believe in owning up to your own words and not trying to hide behind anything.
Like I said, doesnt even have to be your real name, just a username to keep people straight.
DeNirogator, at 9:13 AM
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