Little House

So how lame am I? I'm all happy that I've finally acquired all nine seasons of Little House on the Prairie. I just feel it's really quality programming and I hope my neice one day will watch them. I think one can't help growing up with better morals and values after watching this show. It seems like kids today grow up so much quicker than we did. They see reality shows and MTV, displaying the worst of human behavior on a consistent basis and it must have a negative influence somewhat.
I wish I could visit the 1950's. Everything seemed like it was pure and wholesome and sweet and clean. Even the bad element I wouldn't think were really all that bad. Kinda like "Biff" from Back to the Future maybe? I wouldn't think that adults feared going to places. Yet today, there are places even I avoid because of an influx of punks.
I wish it was mandatory for kids today to watch Little House as they grow up. I fear that the absense of shows like this has a negative impact on future generations. I know that I love some of the programming I'm saying has a negative effect, but I'm also an adult who grew up with values firmly intact and I enjoy those shows purely as popcorn entertainment. I just wish kids today grew up as dorky as we did. The dorkier the world is, the nicer of a place it is in my opinion.
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