I saw it...too funny. I so want to go on this show!! I want to swap with the wife with the hubby that cooks all the time and takes care of the kids and lets me sit around and watch tv and eat Bon Bons. (really what is a Bon Bon??)
Location: Jacksonville/Orange Park, Florida, United States
Well, well, well. Looky what we have here. You think you can read this "About Me" and just size me right up huh? Nice try....I'm on to you. And don't sit there staring at the computer looking all innocent. The jig is up. You thought the jig was down, it aint..it's up.
Anyway, I'm pretty simple, I just like to have good times. I don't like to be hastled or hustled, and I try to keep my head above water and make a wave when I can. You know, temporary layoffs.....good times. Easy credit rip offs? Man those are good times. Scratchin' and Survivin', good times. Hanging in a chow line? Good times, you know good times. Aint we lucky we got em? Anyway, if you'd like to contact me, my email address is deniro27@msn.com
I just finished watching the show.. strange. :)
Anonymous, at 9:15 PM
I enjoyed it. My dad recognized the Jax Dad guy. Priceless moment? When Jax Dad walked into his house in the stupid costume saying, "What's up, y'all"
Anonymous, at 9:52 PM
let's not throw stones in glass houses.....you know your clan dresses up like harry potter, gandalf and queen amadalla.....
DeNirogator, at 10:15 PM
Nope, no Gandalf 'round these parts. Guilty as charged re: Queen Amidala.
Anonymous, at 8:22 AM
I saw it...too funny.
I so want to go on this show!! I want to swap with the wife with the hubby that cooks all the time and takes care of the kids and lets me sit around and watch tv and eat Bon Bons.
(really what is a Bon Bon??)
Anna, at 10:18 PM
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