Life is so Trivial
Trivia night was a success. Not in terms of winning, but in enjoying ourselves and having some fun and laughs. I was told early in the evening if I behaved myself we might do it again. By behaving, that meant leaving the establishment with no ulcers. Another success! I kick ass at not forming ulcers.
We came in 6th place, though we bet our maximum points in "final jeopardy" and missed the question. But we got alot of questions right during the night. So much so, that the cynic in me is almost suspicious of the top couple teams. It almost seemed like they would have had to have gotten every single question right, and many of these were so wide ranging and difficult that I'd find that hard to believe. Adding to the suspicion, it seems the top teams were far back somewhere, not in front with everyone else, and often turning in their answers right before the song ended, never early...which if you are just that smart, wouldn't you know the answer right away?
(It's thinking like this that's going to get me accused of ulcers)
And there were tough ones. What year did the Boy Scouts begin? What president served in the senate after his presidency?
But like I said, it doesnt matter, as long as you have fun. Though I thought about this one point I realized I had a message on my phone and I listened to it. Nobody questioned me about it, and I easily could have been calling a friend to google an answer for us. (You had the length of an entire song to get your answer in).
Some notes and highlights:
1. Dotcom carried the team early on, getting 5 of the first 6 questions right. DVDguy and myself came through later on with such answers as Peter Sellers, Octopussy and Cy Young.
2. Other answers included (going off memory here) Abe Vigoda, Venus-the Roman goddess of love, The Jeffersons, 2 presidents buried in Arlington, the great barrier reef, John Quincy Adams, 1910, Queen Victoria, books, Micheal Collins, Secretariat, millhouse, baines, david, walker, earl and the Miami dolphins.
3. Taunt of the night-- dotcom saying that she would kick my butt so bad that I'd need to get my crystals realigned again. (a reference to my inner ear problem from a year ago)
4. Sound of the night--dvdguy ordering "Super Nachos!". And then later on crying, "I didn't know!" after he had bashed a certain deceased singer not knowing this guy had "issues", which included an accident resulting in a lack of smell (and taste), which causes depression.
5. Lesson of the night--if you have an inkling, and a genius has an inkling...go with the genius. They know things about Eric McCormack and Arlington cemetery.
6. After the answer of "Abe Vigoda" was revealed, the host asked the crowd what famous movie Vigoda was in (talking about "The Godfather"), dvdguy shouts "Cannonball Run 2"!
7. It was ladies night, but the feelin wasn't right. No boozing it up by the female of the species in our group to our chagrin.
8. Guys about to enter the military should not score trivia games.
9. There is alot of moolah to be made in bowling.
10. Bowling Trivia Night would sweep the First Coast.
11. "Baby Delgo" is the greatest character any actor has ever played.
We came in 6th place, though we bet our maximum points in "final jeopardy" and missed the question. But we got alot of questions right during the night. So much so, that the cynic in me is almost suspicious of the top couple teams. It almost seemed like they would have had to have gotten every single question right, and many of these were so wide ranging and difficult that I'd find that hard to believe. Adding to the suspicion, it seems the top teams were far back somewhere, not in front with everyone else, and often turning in their answers right before the song ended, never early...which if you are just that smart, wouldn't you know the answer right away?
(It's thinking like this that's going to get me accused of ulcers)
And there were tough ones. What year did the Boy Scouts begin? What president served in the senate after his presidency?
But like I said, it doesnt matter, as long as you have fun. Though I thought about this one point I realized I had a message on my phone and I listened to it. Nobody questioned me about it, and I easily could have been calling a friend to google an answer for us. (You had the length of an entire song to get your answer in).
Some notes and highlights:
1. Dotcom carried the team early on, getting 5 of the first 6 questions right. DVDguy and myself came through later on with such answers as Peter Sellers, Octopussy and Cy Young.
2. Other answers included (going off memory here) Abe Vigoda, Venus-the Roman goddess of love, The Jeffersons, 2 presidents buried in Arlington, the great barrier reef, John Quincy Adams, 1910, Queen Victoria, books, Micheal Collins, Secretariat, millhouse, baines, david, walker, earl and the Miami dolphins.
3. Taunt of the night-- dotcom saying that she would kick my butt so bad that I'd need to get my crystals realigned again. (a reference to my inner ear problem from a year ago)
4. Sound of the night--dvdguy ordering "Super Nachos!". And then later on crying, "I didn't know!" after he had bashed a certain deceased singer not knowing this guy had "issues", which included an accident resulting in a lack of smell (and taste), which causes depression.
5. Lesson of the night--if you have an inkling, and a genius has an inkling...go with the genius. They know things about Eric McCormack and Arlington cemetery.
6. After the answer of "Abe Vigoda" was revealed, the host asked the crowd what famous movie Vigoda was in (talking about "The Godfather"), dvdguy shouts "Cannonball Run 2"!
7. It was ladies night, but the feelin wasn't right. No boozing it up by the female of the species in our group to our chagrin.
8. Guys about to enter the military should not score trivia games.
9. There is alot of moolah to be made in bowling.
10. Bowling Trivia Night would sweep the First Coast.
11. "Baby Delgo" is the greatest character any actor has ever played.
I fully endorse this recap of those events.
Anonymous, at 1:55 PM
I would say I was the weak link in answering questions this go-around, but hopefully I made up for that a little bit by doing all the grunt work of running the answers in.
DeNirogator, at 2:10 PM
Ahhh... Bravo!
Great recap, Sir!
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
I would say you're a smelly pirate hooker. And the weak link. Hopefully next week we'll have questions about nummies and novelty T-shirts. Then, despite your total domination of knowledge in that area, we'll still lose because of the complete randomness of the final question.
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
Thanks for the positive reinforcement guys! (pirate hooker aside)
DeNirogator, at 2:17 PM
I hate when my crystals get unaligned.
Anna, at 1:43 PM
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