This is a powerful, influential blog folks...
Maybe NBC executives read "Take this blog and shove it"?
They have completely revamped their fall schedule and did exactly what we spoke about here. They moved Aaron Sorkin's "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" to Mondays to get it away from CSI and Grey's Anatomy on Thursday. They moved "Deal or no Deal" against those two, which is exactly the counter programming that we recommended.
AND they moved "30 Rock", Tina Fey's comedy about life behind an SNL type show, back to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. Which will pave the way for those LOST and Criminal Minds viewers out there to check it out.
Now...what else should we demand..?
They have completely revamped their fall schedule and did exactly what we spoke about here. They moved Aaron Sorkin's "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" to Mondays to get it away from CSI and Grey's Anatomy on Thursday. They moved "Deal or no Deal" against those two, which is exactly the counter programming that we recommended.
AND they moved "30 Rock", Tina Fey's comedy about life behind an SNL type show, back to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. Which will pave the way for those LOST and Criminal Minds viewers out there to check it out.
Now...what else should we demand..?
I don't know if I'm thrilled though that Studio 60 will now be on against Monday Night Football either. It's better than where it was though, and well, it's gotta go somewhere.
Let's ask for a monster truck now.
Anonymous, at 6:41 PM
Monday night football is not as big as it used to be. It's declined in ratings every year for awhile now.
So much so, that for the first time it's not even going to be on network TV. ABC gave it to ESPN.
Monster truck about the winner of the monster truck show then has to knit a stapler cozy, which will be then used to kill the president unless Jack Baur and can stop it in real time, all the while the losers of the truck show are shunned to an island where strange things (polar bears!) occur and they vote each other off, with the ousted castaways having to sing to a panel of judges in order to win a chance to join Tony Soprano's henchmen as they attempt to become the next great american inventor?
DeNirogator, at 6:53 PM
Leave Tony Soprano outta this. At least he's trying to help the enviroment. Bio-disposable waste that also helps the barrier reef in New Jersey. How much more conscientious can one be.
Anonymous, at 2:59 AM
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
Anonymous, at 3:06 AM
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Anonymous, at 6:23 PM
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