The Great and All-Powerful Lesliedotcom
Well today is lesliedotcom's birthday and I think I may have given her the best present she could hope for: The satisfaction of making me look foolish. And I know she finds that immensely satisfying because she practically glows and beams with joy, hidden under a non-chalant attitude.
I got this little IQ puzzle in my Christmas stocking where you have to seperate these two intertwined hook like metal pieces. I and a friend could not make heads or tails of it. I was fed up with it. So knowing that dotcom has tested with a high IQ, I threw it at her and told her if she could do it I'd forever proclaim her great and all powerful.
She had it seperated in under a minute and a half. She tried to seem ho-hum about it but could barely contain a Chessire Cat-like grin afterwards.
She usually doesn't think I give her any credit, but on this day, I give her full credit and due respect. She accepted the challenge and almost instantly succeeded. I later was able to seperate the things myself a few times, but it took me awhile and right now I almost feel like it was luck, because I have been unable to duplicate it.
For this ONE day you are great and all-powerful miss dotcom, tomorrow the carriage turns back into a pumpkin and you go back to being an uber-dork. Happy Birthday.
I got this little IQ puzzle in my Christmas stocking where you have to seperate these two intertwined hook like metal pieces. I and a friend could not make heads or tails of it. I was fed up with it. So knowing that dotcom has tested with a high IQ, I threw it at her and told her if she could do it I'd forever proclaim her great and all powerful.
She had it seperated in under a minute and a half. She tried to seem ho-hum about it but could barely contain a Chessire Cat-like grin afterwards.
She usually doesn't think I give her any credit, but on this day, I give her full credit and due respect. She accepted the challenge and almost instantly succeeded. I later was able to seperate the things myself a few times, but it took me awhile and right now I almost feel like it was luck, because I have been unable to duplicate it.
For this ONE day you are great and all-powerful miss dotcom, tomorrow the carriage turns back into a pumpkin and you go back to being an uber-dork. Happy Birthday.
Hey, Happy Birthday one and all!
Anonymous, at 1:57 PM
Oh my Godess... I'm almost in tears over here! You have finally (if only for one day) acknowledged my greatness!
Seriously, thank you for the kind words.
Oh, and I got the damn thing apart again at lunch... but it took longer than a few minutes. Feel better? :-)
Anonymous, at 4:01 PM
Maybe I'd feel better if you had taken more than a few minutes when I first handed it to you, instead of solving it in 60 seconds after I had messed around with it for who knows how long, making me look like a giant ass.
DeNirogator, at 6:21 PM
I see I finally get a link from dotcom once I've proclaimed her greatness.....
DeNirogator, at 10:49 PM
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