now come are referring to a Jay line.........Jay and Silent Bob are smaller roles in MallRats.....they are the main roles in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
So if you have a problem with that, you should REALLY dislike Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
My problem with Mallrats is all the out of place superhero shenanigans and Jay saying snoochie boochies every 10 seconds. Chasing Amy explains that away and there's none of that crap in Strike Back.
I like Mallrats better than Dogma, but just barely.
Location: Jacksonville/Orange Park, Florida, United States
Well, well, well. Looky what we have here. You think you can read this "About Me" and just size me right up huh? Nice try....I'm on to you. And don't sit there staring at the computer looking all innocent. The jig is up. You thought the jig was down, it's up.
Anyway, I'm pretty simple, I just like to have good times. I don't like to be hastled or hustled, and I try to keep my head above water and make a wave when I can. You know, temporary layoffs.....good times. Easy credit rip offs? Man those are good times. Scratchin' and Survivin', good times. Hanging in a chow line? Good times, you know good times. Aint we lucky we got em? Anyway, if you'd like to contact me, my email address is
I am very disapointed in myself that I havn't seen the original Clerks. (being a NJ girl and all). I have seen Mall Rats.
Anna, at 1:50 PM
MallRats is my favorite, but it is kind of sad for you to not have seen Clerks. Especially if you have jersey roots.
DeNirogator, at 6:33 PM
Wait, Mallrats is your favorite of all Kevin Smith's films? Are you seriously saying that?
Anonymous, at 8:08 AM
Yes....I think it's the most entertaining by far.
I mean Jersey Girl was awesome, don't get me wrong....
DeNirogator, at 8:17 AM
So all the Will Ferrell goodness in Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back can't overshadow 90 minutes of Snooooooochie Booooooochies!
Anonymous, at 8:25 AM
now come are referring to a Jay line.........Jay and Silent Bob are smaller roles in MallRats.....they are the main roles in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
So if you have a problem with that, you should REALLY dislike Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
DeNirogator, at 8:43 AM
My problem with Mallrats is all the out of place superhero shenanigans and Jay saying snoochie boochies every 10 seconds. Chasing Amy explains that away and there's none of that crap in Strike Back.
I like Mallrats better than Dogma, but just barely.
Anonymous, at 9:19 AM
I think Mallrats is one of his most popular among the fans.
Jason Lee is probably one of the biggest reasons.
DeNirogator, at 9:27 AM
I really hate it when you use the "Other people like it too, so I'm right" logic.
Anonymous, at 9:34 AM
No, I'm not saying I'm right. An opinion can't be right or wrong. I'm just pointing out that it's not like I'm crazy and alone in my thinking here.
My guess is Brodie is one of the most popular characters Smith has come up with, therefore it's a fan favorite.
DeNirogator, at 10:01 AM
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