Now I really feel old
If hitting 30 didn't do it, this sure helps. Haley Joel Osment (The Sixth Sense) is 18 today. What the? Just the other day he was a little kid!
Oh and it's Dr. Venture's birthday today too. He's older than 18.
Oh and it's Dr. Venture's birthday today too. He's older than 18.
Dr. Venture is dead.
Anonymous, at 12:33 PM
His myspace alter ego maybe. But Dr. V has commented on your page before...
DeNirogator, at 12:42 PM
Yeah, I'm sure he'll be visiting blogs now that he's gone from Myspace.
Anonymous, at 1:40 PM
Say it ain't so! Someone left MySpace?
Anonymous, at 6:35 PM
He met the girl of his dreams on myspace, then I think they both were a little jealous of any attention the other got from the opposite sex and decided to both leave so no problems would occur.
DeNirogator, at 7:23 PM
Oh. He just lost the points he had gained.
I'll probably never get married again due to my lack of the Jealousy Gene-- and my lack of patience for the same...
Oh well! :-)
Anonymous, at 7:46 PM
Lack of patience? You?
I don't believe that, that's crazy talk. :)
DeNirogator, at 8:37 PM
I'm jealous of your lack of jealousy by the way.
DeNirogator, at 6:36 AM
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