Pizza sandwich from 7-Eleven
Just had to quote Tarek (the mensa member) from the Apprentice tonight. These are his words shouting seriously to pedestrians passing by on the street:
"It's a great day to try the new pizza sandwich! Your life will never be the same! It will completely change your whole concept of reality!"
"It's a great day to try the new pizza sandwich! Your life will never be the same! It will completely change your whole concept of reality!"
Was his concept working? I would like a life changing pizza sandwich.
I can't stand that show, Donald Trump annoys me.
Anna, at 11:36 AM
Mensans annoy Denirogator.
Anonymous, at 12:48 PM
I just learned a new word. "Mensans".
Now I will make a FOX special, "When Mensans attack".
Or a series, "American Mensan". (aka the most lame series ever)
DeNirogator, at 12:53 PM
Just DON'T attempt "Mensans Gone Wild"
I've seen it.
It's scary.
Anonymous, at 2:20 PM
Now that would be a good SNL skit.
Wish you had given me that idea when I was making my "parody" movie.
DeNirogator, at 2:22 PM
"Wooooooooo! Whip out yer brain!"
"Yeaaaaaaaaaah let's see that high I.Q. baby!"
Anonymous, at 5:24 PM
"Queen to rook 4, hahahaha!!!!hahahaa!!!! I'm just kidding, queen to rook 9...."
DeNirogator, at 6:06 PM
Nope, sorry to disappoint but truth is waaaay stranger than fiction.
All members of OurHometownMensa:
--A gun collector. Had at least one in each room. Under the sofa, beside the chair, on the desk...
--A porn fan. Would not hesitate to tell you about all his porn. Weird porn, "normal" porn, foreign porn, domestic porn. All porn, all the time.
--Then there was the one who didn't shake hands and would shrivel at the mere mention of human physical contact. I really wanted to lock him in a room with Porn Guy for a few hours and pop some popcorn.
--The Trekkies who married each other. In a Star Trek themed wedding. Wore black when Deep Space 9 was cancelled.
I could go on for HOURS. We're talking full-length feature here!
Anonymous, at 7:51 PM
No wonder you have disassociated yourself from that stellar group of people. Though maybe you should have made a documentary...
DeNirogator, at 8:43 PM
If only I had found my voice-- it was truly a tale to tell!
Anonymous, at 9:33 PM
Documentaries are where it's at. I need pickles to be unfairly accused of murder, or dvdguy to go on an all Waffle House diet or something so I can become the next Morgan Spurlock or Errol Morris.
Or I need to film "March of the squirrels"
DeNirogator, at 10:05 PM
So your hometown Mensa group consists of Dick Cheney, Me, Howie Mandel, and me again.
Anonymous, at 9:12 AM
My documentary is going to be about you and your porn trekkie exploits....
DeNirogator, at 9:20 AM
Hey, don't knock Trekkie Porn. It's fantastic.
Anonymous, at 9:21 AM
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