Trivia Night, the sequel

Trivia night was another up and down rollercoaster ride of shenanigans. First of all, this week we knew one of the teams we were competing against. It just so happens this is where my roomate does trivia. I vaguely knew he did some kind of trivia night, but I didn't know it was Thursdays and I didn't know it was at this particular restaraunt. Also I was initially accused of a masterful premeditated act of defiance. When in fact I had just not been told any kind of meeting time.
Here are bullet point highlights:
* I was the lone drinker on this evening. My two partners were snobs. Drinks are free for the ladies on thursday night but dotcom did not partake in any.
* JSB would be very useful at these things. There are lots of political type questions that he would almost certainly know.
* What did we learn this go around? Trust our partners instincts! We have vowed to do this next time. Because time after time, we talked our colleague out of answers that turned out to be true. I said Martin Luther King for nobel peace prize in 1964, but was vetoed for Robert Kennedy. I then vetoed Miami Vice for the TV show in the 80's that theme song went to Number One. I convinced my partners that Fame did indeed go to Number One, so even though it was a movie first, it was technically correct no matter what. After Miami Vice was announced as the answer, I went and pointed this out to the people in charge and they agreed with us and ended up giving us the points. DVDguy then did some research on wikipedia when he got home and it turns out that Fame may have never gone to number one. Hehee.
* There were some pretty hard questions, and then some absurdly easy ones. Like what movie did the quote "You talkin to me?" come from and what car did James Bond drive.
* Dotcom's strong point for the team was in music and food. Was there any doubt she would get the answer right about eggs?
* Some of the answers (by memory): Paula Abdul, Serpico, Rumsfeld was on Ford's staff also, Postal workers can not carry guns, the rolling stones drummer drowned, Lake Ontario is the farthest east, divo/the cowsills/the beach boys all have family members...the ramones do not, randy jackson was not one of the jackson five, Stalin ruled Russia longer than Lenin or Breshneyve (sp), De soto discovered the Mississippi river, some dude named Slim killed jim in the song "you dont mess around with jim"....hmm, that's all I can think of right now.
* There are strong suspicions of the top team cheating. They did not look like a bunch of rhodes scholars. One of these people stays home each week, another has a headset phone and they could easily be googling all the answers. Just a theory. A bitter 4th place theory.
* For some reason the host felt like giving hints to the crowd on a question we already knew. We didn't get hints on the ones we didnt know dude!
* When asked which state has the most active volcanoes, I initially said that you would think Hawaii, but I think it's Alaska. That was scoffed at, but it turned out to be another example of us shooting ourselves in the foot.
* But the biggest shooting ourselves in the foot was final jeopardy. I instantly declared to let dotcom answer the question, because we had doubted her the previous week and she was right. We could wager between 0-16 points. Last week we wagered all 16 and missed it. This week, we were right near the money (top three win gift certificates) and felt that maybe we should wager hardly any points at all and hope everyone else miss it and fall in points. So we wagered two points. Of course, dotcom got the answer completely correct, making us the only team to get it right, and we wagered two lousy points instead of 16. If we had just wagered 3 points...just one more point, we would have tied for third place and won a prize!
* What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. We are learning and growing more powerful with each lesson.
* Dotcom enjoyed "Bodies" the most on her trip. And she makes me laugh everytime she feels like being funny. (of course the flipside, she also makes me cower anytime she feels like intimidating)
* Dvdguy likes "midnight madness" and is surprised that hooligans like trivia.
* Everyone was pretty happy with how we did. We had fun and just came up short. We had the knowledge to win easily and just out-thought ourselves a few times that cost us.
* Maybe our team name should be "Baby Delgo"?
* Next week we are promised Entertainment focused questions! This is our bread and butter and I think we could break through.
You look so mad in your pictures latly....
And you where drinking...oh I am so disappointed in you.
Anna, at 11:40 PM
So now you are bananna?
DeNirogator, at 6:08 AM
and that was not a mad look, that was a "fear this team" look. Though I guess dotcom's expression kind of undermines that somewhat! :)
DeNirogator, at 6:13 AM
Yes "fear this team" now that the contest is over.
Anonymous, at 6:37 AM
fear us in the future
DeNirogator, at 6:40 AM
Yeah I changed my name. I don't know why.
Anna, at 9:22 AM
did I miss any questions dvdguy? You have the sheet, I'm just trying to remember them.
DeNirogator, at 2:10 PM
oh, and I think I got flipped off about 5 times during the night
DeNirogator, at 2:24 PM
Really? By who?
Anonymous, at 2:43 PM
By a lovely sweet adorable bundle of joy.
Oh no wait, it was you.
DeNirogator, at 3:18 PM
Alcohol makes you forgetful... this recap is not as detailed as the first. You left out dry ice and John Gotti. And you don't like the way I make a capital D either.
Anonymous, at 6:39 PM
I so wanna hang out with you guys!! You all seem so fun!:)
Anna, at 7:07 PM
Well there is quite the waiting list to hang out with us. And then there is the whole initiation process and hazing to go through.
DeNirogator, at 10:09 PM
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Anna, at 9:31 AM
I changed my mind, I didn't want to say that.
Anna, at 9:32 AM
that's it, you've been moved to the back of the'll have to earn your way back up.
DeNirogator, at 4:05 PM
Well, what do I have to do to get to the top of the list?
Anna, at 4:21 PM
You must eat some "Munchies" kid mix...
DeNirogator, at 5:37 PM
You're so inhumane. Why can't I do something more sensable like swallow a goldfish or cut my pinky toe off?
Anna, at 6:05 PM
Cause that's how I roll, yo.
DeNirogator, at 6:07 PM
What are you doing? Write a new blog so I have something to read.
Anna, at 6:10 PM
I have to spread it out a bit. I have things I can write, but I don't wanna write a bunch of posts all in one day.
DeNirogator, at 6:49 PM
what good are you then?
Anna, at 8:03 PM
and dvdguy, the first one I had 11 bullet points, this one I had 16 bullet points....(in response to being less detailed)
DeNirogator, at 1:14 PM
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