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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Weekend Wackiness

My weekend that sounded like it would be so busy and exciting was not surprisingly, unspectacular.
Friday I did not go see a movie with a an old friend and her friend. But I did go see some live music with the lovely Nueva and Dotcom as well as with the even lovelier and sexier JBH and Dvdguy. Sadly, apparently I missed dvdguy spilling more drinks on people. Also, I don't know how to dance, but I could have done just about as good a job as anybody else on the dance floor with the exception of one. I had a hard time containing laughter at a certain man and his "moves". But I honestly don't begrudge people having fun whether they look good doing it or not.

Saturday I was to go miniature golfing with a girl, but that did not happen. A little miscommunication contributed to this.

Sunday I did in fact see "Beauty and the Beast" with Pickles! They actually handled the transformation from the Beast to the prince well.

Monday I went to a Memorial day lunch at my mom's house. They had invited a young lady who has apparently been doing physical therapy on my stepdad over. She had gone to Orange Park High as well, though after I had already left. There were lots of family members over. I was in gentlemanly denirogator mode and I certainly talked to her more than anybody else did and sat next to her when we ate, etc. But not much to report other than that.

Exciting huh?


  • Back off denirogator... you can't have me. The music machine and I have been on an 11 day love affair that grows by leaps and bounds with each passing moment.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:42 PM  

  • It's gonna break your heart dude. They always do.

    By Blogger DeNirogator, at 3:53 PM  

  • Nah, not this one. This one is the one.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:23 PM  

  • It's because it has so many beautiful buttons and slots isn't it? It's gotta be the Tag.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:56 AM  

  • Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:23 PM  

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