Blaine Bloggin'
Dotcom gave a tip last week to staying on good terms with her. Just do what she asks and do it quickly. I find that advice suspect since I'm pretty sure I've always done that, but I better not stop now. She wants liveblogging, here it is...
Blaine's feet and hands are DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!! They are absurdly pale and pruny!!!! Ewwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I was all dotcomy, I'd probably find a link to a photo of them, but the photo would give me nightmares.
They are showing some clips of some street magic. There is one where he asks them to think of a card, and the person is text messaged the card they were thinking of on their cell phone. Again, I gotta believe this is an example of the people being in on it, because that's impossible.
I've never gotten why Blaine talks in this monotone fashion and like he's about to fall asleep at any moment....
Ah, my food is ready...probably not as good as spaghetti with secret spinach in it....
9 p.m. They just mentioned not to try this kind of thing at home. Well thanks for telling me now! We're an hour into the show, too late! I'm in a gigantic fish bowl in my family room trying to top Blaine. Underwater, holding breath, AND blogging....
Now Blaine just did some weird ass trick of pulling someone's tooth out and then blowing it back in.
9:30 p.m. They are babbling about unforseen problems with the chains, but wouldn't they have tested this all out over and over again before they started all this? I'm thinking they are trying to add drama to the show.
Oh, I can't wait for "Oprah Winfrey's Legends Ball" next week in primetime!!! There was no false sincerity in that last statement either!!!!
He's holding his breath goggles.....hmmm.....
They are playing film score...I would have used to been able to tell you instantly what they are might be from "Glory".
Oh...Blaine's a huge failure....7 minutes....didnt break the record...
I listened a little to the Penn Jillette podcast today and he was with Chris Angel and they were bagging Blaine some. And offering some praise now and then.
I need to listen to it tomorrow and see what he says. Getting a world class magicians's opinion about a magic show or magician is unique.
hmm, maybe I should wrap the post up......that's all, G'nite!!
Blaine's feet and hands are DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!! They are absurdly pale and pruny!!!! Ewwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I was all dotcomy, I'd probably find a link to a photo of them, but the photo would give me nightmares.
They are showing some clips of some street magic. There is one where he asks them to think of a card, and the person is text messaged the card they were thinking of on their cell phone. Again, I gotta believe this is an example of the people being in on it, because that's impossible.
I've never gotten why Blaine talks in this monotone fashion and like he's about to fall asleep at any moment....
Ah, my food is ready...probably not as good as spaghetti with secret spinach in it....
9 p.m. They just mentioned not to try this kind of thing at home. Well thanks for telling me now! We're an hour into the show, too late! I'm in a gigantic fish bowl in my family room trying to top Blaine. Underwater, holding breath, AND blogging....
Now Blaine just did some weird ass trick of pulling someone's tooth out and then blowing it back in.
9:30 p.m. They are babbling about unforseen problems with the chains, but wouldn't they have tested this all out over and over again before they started all this? I'm thinking they are trying to add drama to the show.
Oh, I can't wait for "Oprah Winfrey's Legends Ball" next week in primetime!!! There was no false sincerity in that last statement either!!!!
He's holding his breath goggles.....hmmm.....
They are playing film score...I would have used to been able to tell you instantly what they are might be from "Glory".
Oh...Blaine's a huge failure....7 minutes....didnt break the record...
I listened a little to the Penn Jillette podcast today and he was with Chris Angel and they were bagging Blaine some. And offering some praise now and then.
I need to listen to it tomorrow and see what he says. Getting a world class magicians's opinion about a magic show or magician is unique.
hmm, maybe I should wrap the post up......that's all, G'nite!!
Here ya go: David Blaine's Grody Hands
(I flipped over to watch-- slow TV night 'round these parts)
Anonymous, at 8:27 PM
I know you aint got no wife swap...this is taking the place of it.
Hmmm, they didnt get a picture of the foot? It looks like an 98 year old dead man's foot.
DeNirogator, at 8:29 PM
WTF? Talk about drama-rama! Now they're playing Adagio for Strings?
Anonymous, at 8:48 PM
Ah thanks to the link, I now know that I knew the music from "Platoon".
You instantly knew what that piece was called?
DeNirogator, at 8:50 PM
Yeah. I played alot of classical tunes while pregnant.
And you KNOW I have to take you to task for calling him a failure!!! I think he would've made it had he not been exhausted and physically taxed by the preceeding week under water.
I may have gained respect for the dude-- being the control freak that I am (shhh... it's a secret), I respect anyone who can gain that much self control over his body and mind.
Anonymous, at 9:00 PM
The failure comment was definately tongue in cheek.
If it was 100% real and no tricks at all, of course it's impressive. But with a magician you never know. They lie for a living.
If you were to really try to break an amazing world record, why WOULD you do it after spending a week in a fishbowl under water? You'd want to only attempt it when you are at full strength! Why handicap yourself when going for a world record??
It's not like Carl Lewis would run a marathon and then say, okay, I'm ready for the 100 yard dash guys!
Why not just perform a magic show, then, at full strength, get in water and try and break the chains or anything like that.
Wouldn't just holding your breath for 9 minutes be impressive enough?
DeNirogator, at 9:09 PM
This dude is just weird, I want to know how he did that tooth trick.
Anna, at 9:12 PM
'Cause it makes for good TV? And the build-up makes for a good promo for a two hour LIVE! PRIMETIME! special?
And the dude is just weird.
Anonymous, at 9:19 PM
Now that his special is in the books.....if he can really do this....then I want to see him give it a try once he is back at full strength. No hoopla, just get in some water and hold your breath.
Yet I doubt he will, which makes me suspicous.
DeNirogator, at 9:23 PM
I'll call him a failure.
Anonymous, at 8:15 AM
Also, you should consider linking to other people's blogs when you make such obscure references, otherwise you'll never gain an audience.
Anonymous, at 8:23 AM
Saw this quote on another blog:
"There's only one way to earn people's respect and that's to hold your breath for a really really long time. Sure, Abraham Lincoln put an end to slavery, but he couldn't hold his breath worth shit. And that makes him a loser."
Anonymous, at 8:54 AM
At the beginning of the show, he was showing the stunt he did in 1999, being buried for days....he said he "saw so many happy faces come to look at me, and that's what magic is all about, bringing people together that wouldn't normally get together."
You can do that in so many other ways without torturing yourself. New Years eve brings people together that wouldnt normally all be together...
A concert...
A restaurant...
A club...
A museum...
DeNirogator, at 9:00 AM
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