You go Team! You just Go!

We've improved every week. Next week I expect us to improve and get every single question right.....well actually, we weren't that far off this week!
Here are the highlights:
1. JBH joined us and provided great value to the team with his insight and knowledge plus his great companionship. We are undefeated when JBH is around so far!
2. Every week when I write this I'm going off memory. DVDguy has the answer sheet and knows exactly what went down, but I'll do my best to remember what I can.
3. DVDguy had a beer!!!!! (Root) But he said he felt very manly drinking it out of the bottle.
4. Earlier in the day I had lunch with friends from work. Dotcom started picking on me (what a shock!) but then told me that she could get all of her picking on me out of the way so that she didn't have to pick on me tonight. She was on very good behavior most of the evening. Towards the end she started to get a tiny bit mischevious, but really only in hinting at snarky things. She didn't let JBH see her vicious arsenal of snarky comments and sarcastic putdowns. (oh wait, she DID pull out the Miss Marple card, which she knows stings, but I do give her kudos on the world of verbal sparring it's a knockout punch)
5. Dotcom and I were twinsies! Green shirt, blue jeans. I thought it was great, like we were in uniform, she wanted to leave and change.
6. One of the funniest things of the evening was when the table full of punks celebrated when the final answer was revealed. We didnt get it right. It was put a bunch of songs in order based on sales. It was hard, they were all huge hits. We were worried that the punks had bet all 16 points and passed us, but after they all high fived and celebrated and hooted and hollered, the host announced that nobody got the question right. Ha!!
7. We got to see Dotcom dance and sing! Well..hand dance, and sing "Because I got high..."
8. My DVR screwed me tonight. I had double-checked that all my recordings were set. But it only recorded the second half of American Inventor.
9. We started the night off on a tear! We got like the first 7 questions right.
10. It was a very even night in terms of the team's contributions. Dotcom got us "mint" after winning a rock, paper, scissors with JBH as well as Kiwanis. I got us Mediterranean Sea, Shangri-La and Jinx. JBH got us Norman Greenbaum--which was probably the biggest coup of the night and Harvest Moon. And we all pretty much combined on knowing the other answers: MASH, the jumpshot, Jim Brown, No Doubt, Mount kimoniwannalea (something close to that), Milan, 6 shifts, Bob Newhart, the puck, 100 years war, hmmmm, what I miss dvdguy? DVDguy nixed RunDMC, which turned out to be the right answer, but it was an understandable mistake because the song "Rapper's Delight" was the first hit Rap song ever and RunDMC did not sing that.
11. The "extra credit" question was about grammy winning duos or bands. Dotcom felt sure U2 (pronounced "youtoo") was a winner for 2006 but they said it was Maroon 5 or whatever.
12. We used the timer on my camera for the first time and it worked pretty well. We took 3 pictures, dotcom looked great in all three, JBH and chuck looked fine in theirs, and I looked awful in both of the ones I appeared in.
13. We won 40 dollars worth of House Cash, 10 bucks for each of us.
14. We only disagreed once, dvdguy and I outvoted JBH on a basketball question...but it turned out we were all equally wrong. Though dvdguy and I mocked the answer (the jumpshot) the whole night. It took someone till 1936 to think to jump and shoot??? Come on...
15. I stated that on the final question that I've always heard that "Hey Jude" was the Beatles biggest hit ever. In my defense, here are a couple quotes I found on the web....
"Symbolically, “Hey Jude” was the first Beatles record that was released on their own Apple Records label, and it became the biggest hit of their career when it remained at #1 for nine weeks."
"His only commercial recording of a Lennon-McCartney song was "Hey Jude," the Beatles' biggest hit, on Nov. 21, 1968..."
16. I actually got the Literature question right for the team!!! When this occured, dotcom broke down and apologized to me for all the taunting and mocking she has subjected me to about books. I told her it was okay, all was forgiven. She cried, "But I've been just ghastly! My behavior has been reprehensible and deplorable and you've taken the higher road and turned the other cheek. I was wrong! I just feel awful!"
(with my finger to my lips) "Shhhhhh" I said, "it's okay, it's okay".
"Shhhhhhhhhh, the past is the past. Let's live in the now."
17. The Host continues to tease us that an "Entertainment night" with only Entertainment questions is coming. Each week he says it's the next week. Tonight he said it was three weeks from now.
18. We all know which one of these bullet points was pure kidding and completely false for humor's sake, so please do not kick my behind, oh lovable and jolly one of our group....
19. JBH reports that "Thank you for smoking" is an excellent film.
20. Our team name "Mind Bullets", comes from a Tenacious D song called "Wonderboy". Here are a few of the lyrics:
Now it's time for me to tell you about Young Nastyman,
archrival and nemesis of Wonderboy, with powers comparable to Wonderboy!
What powers you ask?
I dunno how 'bout the power of flight?
That do anything for ya?
That's levitation, holmes.
How 'bout the power to kill a yak... from 200 yards away...
With Mind Bullets!
That's telekinesis, Kyle.
How 'bout the move you?
21. Did I mention we WON? We led the whole night! We ROCK!!!! Dotcom told our team to just go........and we went......and the world will never be the same. (that isn't overstating things is it?)
"The first rap/hip hop performance in the history of television occurred in 1981 when the Sugar Hill Gang performed their hit song 'Rappers Delight' on American Bandstand."
Now, I guess technically, they weren't a "rap group" which is what the question asked us. But we were smarter than the question in this instance.
You forgot Forest Whitaker.
Anonymous, at 6:28 AM
Yeah, but that's one of those questions where we would have gotten burned either way. If we had said "Run DMC", then baldie goes..."No, Sugar Hill Gang sang Rapper's Delight on American Bandstand..."
Was Forest Whitaker the only one I omitted? Not bad!
DeNirogator, at 7:05 AM
And yes folks....we beat ALL those empty tables in the background of the picture!! Kicked, their, ass!
Okay...lots of people left when it ended and the majority of the players were on the other side...
There were actually a lot of teams.
DeNirogator, at 7:08 AM
You guys are awesome!
I am definatly not smarter then an empty table!
Congrats on the big win!
Anna, at 7:41 AM
I think you'd easily beat the empty table by at least 5 points.
Anonymous, at 7:49 AM
You make me feel so good about myself....
Anna, at 9:34 AM
I can't believe dotcom has not outed me yet on the literature question.
It was about the book, "lost horizon". I saw the movie...
DeNirogator, at 12:56 PM
I didn't see the need to remind everyone again about your lack of reading... I was trying to behave.
Don't worry, I'm SO over the nice thing. It made my face hurt. Look out! :-)
Anonymous, at 7:32 PM
No! I like the nice thing! I could get used to that!
And you have to give me credit that I'm always honest. I could have easily acted as if I had read the book just to make me look better.
DeNirogator, at 8:11 PM
I prefer a meaner, snarkier LDC.
Anonymous, at 10:26 PM
Yes, yes... you are always honest. You could've claimed to have read the book. Unfortunately, your honesty has forced you to admit to only reading Miss Marple and Fletch novels-- which do not include the work of literature in question.
To heck with a kinder, gentler, LDC. Man the battle stations!
Anonymous, at 10:31 PM
For the cyberspace record: I've never read a Miss Marple book, only Agatha Christie books that feature Hercule Poirot.
And I read many other books during my schooling, any of which could have been Lost Horizon as far as anybody would have known.
DeNirogator, at 9:55 AM
"To heck with a kinder, gentler, LDC. Man the battle stations!"
..and furthermore, I wave the white flag and surrender already.
DeNirogator, at 10:05 AM
LDC does not recognize the Geneva Convention.
Anonymous, at 10:25 AM
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