She's Back...
Okay everybody, Anna or Bananna, or whatever she is calling herself these days is posting again on her blogspot page after a lengthy absense where she only posted on MySpace.
So please stop by and say hello. She doesn't think you'll care, I think you do. I have a link to her in my links section on the righthand area of your screen, but here's a link here too so I can stay in practice:
Worst Blog Ever!
So please stop by and say hello. She doesn't think you'll care, I think you do. I have a link to her in my links section on the righthand area of your screen, but here's a link here too so I can stay in practice:
Worst Blog Ever!
Oh and dvdguy, make sure to check out her full profile and take a look at her finishing wrestling move. (and rememeber her name is Anna...)
DeNirogator, at 9:55 PM
I don't care what you call me, as long as you call me.
Anna, at 9:58 PM
The WWE could use more face dancing.
Anonymous, at 11:42 AM
I love the name, "the
DeNirogator, at 12:08 PM
I will call them and see if they are in need of any new talent.
Anna, at 12:44 PM
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