Some Fun (Entertainment) Questions
1. What member of the Monkees, a holdout for nearly three decades, rejoined the other geezers for a 1996 album?
2. Who was the first feline featured in Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous?
3. What Sinatra signature tune became Elvis Presley's best-selling posthumous hit?
4. What was the first Arnold Schwarzenegger movie to win four Academy Awards?
5. What jazz musician got his aristocratic nickname in high school for his neat attire and fastidious manners?
6. What talk show hostess gave her guests the fewest opportunities to speak, according to a 1996 MSU survey?
7. What enduring daytime soap featured Kevin Kline, Don Knotts and Susan Sarandon?
8. What book did E.B. White base on personal experiences at his farm in Maine?
9. What three words preceded "Land that I love" in a 1938 Irving Berlin tune?
10. What happy homemaker chirps on TV: "It's a good thing"?
2. Who was the first feline featured in Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous?
3. What Sinatra signature tune became Elvis Presley's best-selling posthumous hit?
4. What was the first Arnold Schwarzenegger movie to win four Academy Awards?
5. What jazz musician got his aristocratic nickname in high school for his neat attire and fastidious manners?
6. What talk show hostess gave her guests the fewest opportunities to speak, according to a 1996 MSU survey?
7. What enduring daytime soap featured Kevin Kline, Don Knotts and Susan Sarandon?
8. What book did E.B. White base on personal experiences at his farm in Maine?
9. What three words preceded "Land that I love" in a 1938 Irving Berlin tune?
10. What happy homemaker chirps on TV: "It's a good thing"?
1.Hey hey there the monkees..too bad I don't know their names..
2.Morris the Cat?
3. I did it myyyyy waaayyy.
10. Me, I say that all the time while standing on the TV.
Anna, at 8:16 PM
one more..
9. God bless america.
It hit me after I sent it.
Anna, at 8:19 PM
1) Mike Nesmith
2) Morris the Cat
3) I'll be interested to hear the answer for this one, as I think that the remix of "A Little Less Conversation" is certainly Elvis' most popular posthumous recording.
8) Charlotte's Web
9)God Bless America
10) Martha Stewart
Anonymous, at 9:14 PM
1. Michael Nessmith
2. Morris the Cat? Garfield?
3. My Way?
4. T2
5. The Duke of Jazz
6. Joan Rivers
7. Search for Tomorrow
8. Charlotte's Web
9. God Bless America
10. Martha Stewart
South Park was good.
Anonymous, at 5:30 AM
1. Michael Nesmith
2. Morris the Cat
3. My Way
4. T2
5. Duke Ellington
6. Oprah
7. Search for Tomorrow
8. Charlotte's Web
9. God Bless America
10. Martha Stewart
DeNirogator, at 6:08 AM
Still waiting for your source for #3...
Anonymous, at 7:29 AM
It was actually from a Trivia website. So I guess take that for what it's worth, or with a grain of salt or some other cliche'.
DeNirogator, at 7:53 AM
What happened to the word funner?
Anna, at 7:56 AM
Someone objected to it so I changed it rather than getting into a silly argument about it.
DeNirogator, at 8:08 AM
Well, you've ruined the whole blog for me now.
Anna, at 8:14 AM
What would your position in the silly argument have been?
Anonymous, at 8:26 AM
(sigh) If I state my position then it will be continuing the silly argument that doesn't need to occur.
Fine. There are numerous times when people speak in what they know is improper grammar or use words that they know do not actually exist. Like for example, "conversasiate" or something of the like.
If I was writing a novel or newspaper article, I wouldn't do that. Here, who cares?
DeNirogator, at 8:30 AM
So instead of taking that bold, brave stance you decided to cave in and censor the whole thing?
Anonymous, at 8:35 AM
Correct. It is not that important to fight about. I could care less. So yes, I will appease on occasion when the benefits outweigh the alternative.
DeNirogator, at 8:39 AM
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