For the very first time! Premiere a new sentence!
Dvdguy and I always take note when one of us or somebody else has said something so bizarre or specific, that it just HAS to be the first time in the history of our planet that anyone has ever uttered those words in that particular order. We take a moment to celebrate the pioneering of a new sentence.
At trivia a couple weeks ago this happened and I can't remember what was said, but dotcom said something with some odd words in it, and I just replied, "I don't know how many times I've said that!". It was something akin to..."you can never have too much floobedijoo sauce when crossing the andes mountains while listening to your favorite REO Speedwagon album". Something just totally bizarre.
Today on DVDguy's page, JBH possibly pioneered a new sentence. He also said another thing, "have bullets, will trivia", that could be a first.
I'm going to open the door to you folks. Debut for the first time ever, a new sentence that has never been spoken, ever. The one rule is the sentence has to make sense. It can't just be words strung together that don't actually say anything.
I'll start it off:
It's like my mother always said, 'If it wasn't for Pia Zadora, we'd probably all be eating Pringles somewhere in a concentration camp full of bulemic mimes'.
Okay, that's a little on the absurdist side. The best are ones that could actually be spoken, but you just know it never has.
Dvdguy, it's friends like you that make playing Taboo more fun than watching Laverne and Shirley with the Big Ragu. Okay that was stupid.
I'm going to just have to start writing these things down when people say them and eventually make a book.
At trivia a couple weeks ago this happened and I can't remember what was said, but dotcom said something with some odd words in it, and I just replied, "I don't know how many times I've said that!". It was something akin to..."you can never have too much floobedijoo sauce when crossing the andes mountains while listening to your favorite REO Speedwagon album". Something just totally bizarre.
Today on DVDguy's page, JBH possibly pioneered a new sentence. He also said another thing, "have bullets, will trivia", that could be a first.
I'm going to open the door to you folks. Debut for the first time ever, a new sentence that has never been spoken, ever. The one rule is the sentence has to make sense. It can't just be words strung together that don't actually say anything.
I'll start it off:
It's like my mother always said, 'If it wasn't for Pia Zadora, we'd probably all be eating Pringles somewhere in a concentration camp full of bulemic mimes'.
Okay, that's a little on the absurdist side. The best are ones that could actually be spoken, but you just know it never has.
Dvdguy, it's friends like you that make playing Taboo more fun than watching Laverne and Shirley with the Big Ragu. Okay that was stupid.
I'm going to just have to start writing these things down when people say them and eventually make a book.
I don't have a clue as to what you're talking about, Paco.
Anonymous, at 8:17 PM
that's been said before
DeNirogator, at 8:53 PM
I know, I'm saying, what the hell are you talking about? Pioneering sentences? You must be thinking about some other dvdguy you know.
Anonymous, at 9:10 PM
this is the first one I'm writing down....
"Props to the sippy cup revolution!"
DeNirogator, at 7:50 AM
"It's gotta be the Tag."
Anonymous, at 8:57 AM
by the way, anonymous...if you choose "other" rather than "anonymous", you can type in any username you'd like to be known as.
That way we wont get you confused with other anonymous people!
DeNirogator, at 9:16 AM
Identity thief!
Anonymous, at 10:57 AM
BTW, I'm not sure if this is what you mean...the first one sounds like nonsense, but it does have a meaning.
"She's just being onomatopoeia of the hyperbole again." Used by co-workers to describe a friend who uses "big" words on a regular basis.
"My butt sneezed." Ok, that's from my daughter...does it count if a 4 year old said it, cause they really say some messed up things sometimes.
Anonymous, at 11:21 AM
The spagetti you put in my hair was alittle cold, but still tasted like spinach.
That elephant never would of stole my radio if I still lived in that Pop Tart box with Jerry Garcia.
Please put some more cream corn on my mashed potatoes.
(I bet people say these things when they are stoned)
Anna, at 8:41 PM
Oh I just thought of another sentance that has never been said
"George W. Bush is a genius."
Anna, at 9:12 PM
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
Anonymous, at 3:06 AM
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