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There are white chocolate M&M's out there folks. They are part of a "Pirates of the Caribbean" theme and are called "Pirates Pearls". I had them yesterday. They tasted white chocolatey.
There is a new KFC menu item. Some kind of bowl with mashed potatoes, corn, chicken, gravy and a three cheese blend all on top of each other. Sounds really odd. But as I like to try new things, I'll give it a whirl and test it out.
And finally, "Gameshow Marathon" starts tonight at 8 p.m. on CBS. This is some kind of show where celebrities play famous game shows. Tonight they look to be playing "The Price is Right" and tomorrow at 8 it looks like "Let's Make a Deal".
Most of the new Summer shows will be starting in June (tomorrow), such as Hell's Kitchen, Treasure Hunters, America's Got Talent and Rock Star: Supernova. Though last night "Last Comic Standing" started up and featured a couple guys that were pretty funny.
Funny you mention the KFC thing. I always tell Shawn how gross it is when he mixes his mashed potatos with corn, and when I saw the KFC commercial I felt like I had lost that battle.
I still think its gross....
Anna, at 1:33 PM
I don't get the Last Comic Standing thing... didn't the show get cancelled and they had to air the remaining shows on the internet?
Anonymous, at 1:33 PM
Woah, Hold the mayo.... white choc MMs?? I didn't even see that I was so grossed out by the KFC nastiness.
I am going to the store right now to get those!!
And DVDGUY I like that Last comic standing show, I am glad its back!
Anna, at 1:36 PM
okay, now first of all, my family has always poured cream corn over our mashed potatoes. That is really good.
But this KFC bowl thing, I don't know...we'll see.
NBC has been odd about Last Comic Standing. The last season that aired, they showed every episode, EXCEPT the finale. The finale they threw away to Comedy Central. The finale's of shows are usually the highest rated show of the series!
So they deemed it such a failure to throw the finale away. And yet now bring it back on network.
All of the reality show people should realize...stick to once a year. That is what Big Brother and American Idol has done. Once a year. Don't wear it out. Apprentice and Last Comic Standing and The Bachelor started airing their subsequent seasons immediately after the previous one ended.
You got to give people a break. Let them actually anticipate it. Survivor basically has been doing twice a year, and I think they also would benefit with just one annual airing.
In related news, I've been hearing that "Lost" may start airing season two in order...possibly starting tonight or next week? I guess if I wanted to get caught up even before the dvd's came out I could check that out.
DeNirogator, at 1:50 PM
Ack. Cream corn sounds even worse.
Am I the only one who thinks corn and potatoes are 2 seperate foods that don't belong together?
Anna, at 2:35 PM
cream corn belongs on mashed potatoes. It's almost odd having it by itself.
It acts as a sweet gravy of sorts.
DeNirogator, at 2:37 PM
I just miss the guy who said "Thank you" after every joke.
Anonymous, at 2:50 PM
Turkey gravy...good
chicken gravy...good
even the weird mystery brown gravy...ok
But corn gravy?
Must be a southern thing. Just like the weird white gravy you guys put on biscuits.
Anna, at 4:26 PM
Nueva is used to having to repeat things to get the resident male to acknowledge. Strictly force of habit. Now, what was she saying, something about white gravy?
Anonymous, at 7:34 PM
I second the mixing of corn and potatoes! Yummy goodness.
Anonymous, at 8:53 PM
For some reason I think I should perhaps visit more....and maybe stop by the education sweet cabinet? :)
DeNirogator, at 8:57 PM
I like the white chocolate m&ms...
i think it's a pretty funny movie tie in...but hey, if it gives us a white chocolate tie than that's absolutly wonderful!
Unfortunatly, that just means when Pirates of the Carribbean isn't being marketed anymore then they won't be available...i guess I'll have to decide if it's worth stocking up.
--RC of
RC, at 12:44 PM
Hey, RC's got a pretty cool blog. Check it out folks!
DeNirogator, at 3:21 PM
White Choc M+Ms are yummy yummy...and where half off at Walmart so I stocked up.....
Anna, at 7:38 PM
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 3:06 AM
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
Anonymous, at 6:23 PM
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