Trivia Champs (aka: Save the drama for your mama)

So, we answered a bunch of questions and came in first place again. Yet instead of leaving happy, we are all kinda pissed off because we got accused of getting our answer from a drunk idiot on a tiebreaker question. Look, I have a stupid Rain Man talent for movie dates. I dont need anybody's help to tell me when Dr. No was released.
But, I keep telling myself, we had fun all night long, and we shouldn't let something idiotic that was 100% untrue spoil things. I'm sure we'll laugh about it soon, but it sure is angering to get accused of cheating when we won last week, and were leading the whole way this week, and suddenly we are going to take our answers from a drunk moron??
Honestly, if I had heard this guy yell out 1962, it would have me question that our answer of 1962 was right. I would be like...well gees if that guy is saying it, maybe it's not 1962!
Sorry about the red-eye, I don't know if there is something I can do to prevent that?
Okay, a few highlights:
1. Dr. V and his girlfriend joined us. Dr. V is very knowledgable in sports and history, as well as being intelligent overall and a Jeopardy lover, so I knew he'd be an asset to the team.
2. They were talking about doing some bar vs. bar deal some night? We have no clue how that would work. Our entire bar tries to come up with a consensus answer? 100 people arguing whether Elizabeth Shue played Jennifer Parker or not? DVDguy had me laughing about that one.
3. We are still undefeated with JBH around!
4. An annoying thing about the drunk idiot...he went ballistic earlier in the game when somebody shouted out the answer "tab". He was furious. Then, for some reason he didn't see why we'd be angry that he was shouting out answers or whatever when we didn't need his help.
5. I would normally be surprised that this guy would even know the answer, but it's obvious why he did. He apparently comes every single week, and he knows the host always asks a Bond question. So I'm sure he has studied the Bond movie history to give his team a leg up in his mind, for at least ONE question a week.
6. My roomate and girlfriend came in last night, I told them about the drunk idiot and they instantly knew who I was talking about and said he is a giant a-hole and everybody dislikes him.
7. Dotcom was wondering if we should try another place sometime just for new food options. I'm fine with that. Though they are having Entertainment night come up in two weeks and we still need to use our newly won House Cash.
8. A couple times we didn't bet our full points on something we were pretty sure of. That cost us I guess in the end, just one point more and we wouldn't have had any of the controversy at the end.
9. To recap the controversy...we were tied at the end with another team. We bet 16 points on the final question, got it right (because it was putting movies together in chronological order and we KNOW this kind of stuff, and dont need any help!), but apparently the other team also wagered 16 points and got it right. So we went to a tiebreaker question...I think it was when did Richard Nixon die? Our team and the other team answered the same year, so we went to another tiebreaker, what year did the first Bond movie come out? I knew it was 1962. Then, apparently the other team felt like we got the answer from the drunk idiot, and I have no idea why. Because we were all huddled and I was saying that I was sure it was 1962. Who knows, maybe the other team was just pointing out that the idiot was blabbing or gesturing or something and didn't think we got the answer from him, I dont know. Maybe we should have asked them if they thought that.
Anyway, a third tiebreaker, when was Stephen King born, and we won.
10. Dotcom thinks she might have recognized the other team we were tied with as mensa members and thus may have been prone to being pissy at the thought of losing. Well...they were there last week too and we won easily then, so get used to it, unless we tire of this particular place.
11. One team had a guy with a handless phone attached to his ear, and another team, I watched next to us blatantly call someone and get the Field of Dreams answer.
12. Bassomatic was apparently a beloved SNL character. We happened to know that Dan Aykroyd was the bassomatic SALESMAN...
Oh don't let those A-holes get to you...They are just jealous of your brillant minds.
They are leaving pissed off, so they wanted you to be pissed off too.
Anna, at 10:30 PM
You don't have a red eye flash thing on your camera?Its suppose to help...
Anna, at 10:38 PM
It's enabled....still get the red eye.
DeNirogator, at 10:39 PM
Do you have some kind of piant program? You can edit the red eye out. Some times that works, sometimes it just makes the picture worse.
Anna, at 10:43 PM
Or PAINT program even might work better.
I'm going to bed....
Anna, at 10:44 PM
Every website I can find says that Alaska's state motto is: "North to the Future". So that question, even though we missed it, wasn't right.
Florida's state motto is "In God We Trust". I am truly embarassed to live in a state with the most unoriginal motto ever.
Anonymous, at 7:41 AM
No wonder we'd never heard of it...we thought we were hearing a national motto.
I just found out that JBH talked to the other team we were tied with after the game, which I didn't realize. I don't know what was said.
DeNirogator, at 8:06 AM
I didn't know that either. Now I'm curious to know what was said.
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM
Uh, just for the record-- I never said "stupid Rainman talent" but "Rainman-like talent"
Totally different sentiment. It is quite handy to have such a talent when playing trivia games.
If I would've wanted to be mean or snarky, I would've referred to you as our team's Very Own Idiot Savant.
See, I'm not as mean as you like to portray me...
Anonymous, at 9:36 AM
Don't worry, I wasn't quoting you, those were my own words. I was calling it stupid myself. I think it's stupid. I've always called it a stupid Rain Man talent that is totally useless.
I've always said it's the most useless talent ever. Except I guess in trivia contests!
DeNirogator, at 9:48 AM
And I agree, you are not as mean as I portray you.
You are slightly meaner than what I portray you as.
DeNirogator, at 9:49 AM
but can I quote you that I have a "big stupid truck"? :)
DeNirogator, at 10:16 AM
Since you were interested, I went over to 'Us Three' to complement them on a game well played (they were outnumbered, ya know) and to try and clear the air about alleged cheating.
I explained that several of us (at least DVD, DNG and JBH) were huddled around the corner of the table debating 1961 vs 1962 as the answer. Assured them that none of us heard or saw anything from the other team. Further assured them that none of us would have considered what they said anyway.
They said they were not mad at us, but at the 'Rowdy Reptiles' team. BTW, the alleged cheating was said to have taken the form of one of the reptiles flashing two fingers at us on the down low, supposedly indicating that '62 was the right answer. The table next to 'Us 3' was said to have observed this as well. I reiterated that we were heads down in conference and that our answer came 100% from our own ranks.
Wrapped up by again complementing their performance and told 'em we looked forward to seeing them again next week.
Anonymous, at 1:22 PM
Classy, JBH. Thanks!
DeNirogator, at 1:25 PM
You may always quote me when it is the truth. You do have a big stupid truck. :-)
JBH, nice one. Thanks for extending the hand of good sportsmanship!
Anonymous, at 2:51 PM
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