With the powers to kill a yak......WITH MIND BULLETS!!!

We came in First Place for the third consecutive time last night! (Would be 4th straight time if we had just bet more than 2 points on the final question 4 weeks back...but we were learning how to handle things then)
Here are the highlights:
1. Dr. V and better half did not attend last night. There was an illness in the household.
2. We only missed maybe 3 questions all night long. Strangely enough, on two of the three we missed I would have gotten the answer right had I been playing by myself. But I can assure you that I wouldn't have gotten alot of the others right! And my team name would have probably ended up being, "Denirogator is grumpy". Any time there is a team of just one, the person usually comes in last. You need that pool of different expertise and experience.
3. Dotcom got the laugh of the night. When the category was "Music" (a strength of hers), she said..."the question will probably be...what song did Joe Namath hum during football games". I almost fell out of my chair on that one. (she did add a little voice and face while saying this that enhanced it)
4. The bald rowdy guy was not there, and somehow we still won! Amazing!!! I guess the lesson is, we need to have confidence in ourselves and realize we don't need to cheat and get all of our answers from him anymore. I think we all grew up a little last night. (by the way, the team that we were tied with last week that accused of us cheating, got destroyed last night..karma karma)
5. Speaking of karma karma karma karma karma chameleon...culture club was one of the answers last night.
6. In even more karma news, karma may have caught up with our arch nemesis, the villianous, evil, dastardly "Sex Panther by Odeon". Some of the taunts I had endured:
"well if it isn't the third member of the LOSING team"
"you know, you're never gonna beat us"
"I apologize in advance for the ass kicking"
Instant Karma's gonna get you...
7. Next week is the much anticipated "Entertainment Night". Now, at first glance we all expect to do really well. But in reality, you know there are going to be some really tough ones thrown in the mix. Ones that no one really "knows" and you just have to take an educated guess. (like when was Stephen King born?)
8. I explained to dotcom that she probably has some mommy intimidation in her. She can turn on the mommy voice and scare the crap out of you.
9. On the flipside, she is one of the funniest people I've ever known. As I told her, if she was a Burt Reynolds movie, she'd be "Snarky's Machine". So, based on her mood, she can make you laugh or cry......she can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes, she ruin your faith with her casual lies....and she only reveals what she wants you to see, yeah she hides like a child but she's always an uber geek to me.... (sorry, turned into GatorHam2000 there for a moment)
10. We made sure to turn our final answer in extremely quickly so no one could accuse us of cheating this time. The host said to me, "I guess that was too easy", and I didn't even think of telling him why we were turning it in so quick...
11. Our server is in love with Dvdguy.
12. Speaking of love, I've always been about honesty and integrity, and then last night a completely untrue thing spilled out of my mouth. I quickly had to recant realizing how false it was. I said something about "..I'm just looking for anybody". Okay...yes I'm picky. Yes I could be with some girls if I really just didn't want to be alone. But I think I'm mostly picky in that I'm only interested in the RIGHT girl, and the main criteria is personality. Now, after that, a second criteria would be at the very least to be somewhat attracted to her. And if you can find someone with a great personality AND you actually find them very attractive, all the better!
13. I'm not used to eating so early. I think next week I may glance at what deserts they have and just get me that and then eat dinner when I'm used to later on.
14. Dotcom knows all the music they play during the questions. We think we should get extra credit.
15. Still undefeated with JBH around. Also undefeated since they went to the new rule: Only one team per table.
16. Dvdguy may be discovering something. Dotcom is an angel and just a sweetheart the first year you know her. Then, once she is confident you can handle it, you are eligible to be the recipient of her snark and wit. This is great news for the rest of us, because we can laugh at a new person getting a verbal smackdown! In dotcom's defense though, dvdguy was really asking for it on several occasions. He said some rather brazen things that would have gotten me instantly decapitated and used as a new bowling ball.
17. When JBH and dotcom hugged goodnight, dvdguy and I decided we would hug goodbye as well. The embrace lasted uncomfortably long. I think we may be more lonely than we realize. It's just a good thing jbh and dot didn't have their cameras.
#2: Yes we only missed three questions. We were six points away from a perfect game.
#9: Funniest person's?
#11: Now now, that's just a joke. Just like how the Hooters girls really aren't interested in what you have to say when you go there.
#13: So you're going to get a 10 dollar desert next time? They don't give you change from the certificates.
#16: When was she smacking me down? I don't remember that. I do remember saying things to her specifically because you'd said them earlier and DID get smacked down for them... but she played right along when I said them. She likes me better.
#17: Stop lying. The length of the hug was just right.
Anonymous, at 9:44 AM
#11- Yeah I waitressed and at Red Lobster even...and you gotta do what you gotta do for those tips.
(Just kidding...I am not trying to say the waitress was NOT in love with you...LOL)
Anna, at 9:50 AM
No no, you're right. The waitress is NOT in love with me. Denirogator is just being snarky.
Anonymous, at 9:55 AM
should it be "funniest people" ?
smackdown...about the time you were asking for the nice dotcom to come back...
Maybe I'll get two deserts.....
Apparently dotcom got screwed by your girlfriend....short changed by 10 bucks and didn't realize it until after she left. I think it was out of jealousy and on purpose.
DeNirogator, at 10:20 AM
I would like to interject that while the waitress DID give me incorrect change (a purely innocent mistake, I'm sure), I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
Anonymous, at 3:51 PM
Okay, she didn't "screw" her.
Because the three guys at the table would have definately noticed and left an even bigger tip.
DeNirogator, at 4:00 PM
late breaking news! apparently dotcom was NOT shortchanged by the waitress. Dotcom was just wrong
DeNirogator, at 3:38 PM
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