So long...farewell...auf weidersehen goodbye...
Well, two questions into tonight's trivia dvdguy is furious and JBH isn't exactly pleased either. We had witnessed and even heard "Uncle Fester" calling people on his cell phone getting answers. (He was one table away from us)
Cell phone use is against the rules by the way. It's called cheating.
So our team is fed up and pretty much wants no more of Gators Dockside. And we were curious about other places to conquer and other food choices.
And whadya know, with no cell phone help at all, we ended up in first place when the final question (in which you wager up to 16 points) was upon us.
Well guess what we did? We got the final question right. But just so that we would have no ties to this place...nothing to make us have to come back, we bet zero points so that we would hopefully win no House Cash. We succeeded. We finished first knowledge-wise, but never have to return if we don't wish to.
We've proven ourselves here. Like the old west, we are going to walk into another saloon and challenge the top gun in the joint. And what they probably won't that we have MIND BULLETS in our guns. Have bullets, will trivia.
Here is the Highlight:
1. The beautiful Nueva joined us and provided entertainment and insight.
Here is the Lowlight:
1. When walking back from turning in a question, as I was walking by Uncle Fester's table, I could clearly hear him saying and pointing to dotcom, "that red head over there has the (mumbled)est blah blah blah..."
I didn't hear what he said and I shut my ears off at the blah blah blah part. Because I wanted to just assume that whatever he was saying was his version of a compliment. Because if it had been something negative, I might have started my first bar brawl. And then me and dvdguy would be running around doing every cliche' in every bar room brawl in the movies we've ever seen.
For the sake of not being furious, I'm going to assume that he was saying something that in his mind was complimentary. Because I can't for the life of me think of what this neanderthal could possibly criticize of dotcom.
Now, either way, I knew dotcom would not be pleased and thus I did not tell her of this during the trivia night. I told her once we were in the parking lot out of loyalty, because if anyone ever said something about me, I'd want to know about it.
In classic dotcom fashion, she remarked that Fester was getting no tongue tonight when they make out.
So, other trivia restaurants out there...look out...we're comin'...we're comin' to get ya...
Here we come...walkin down the street....we get the funniest looks from....everyone we meet....Hey Hey we are Mind Bullets....and people say we trivia around....but we're too busy getting questions right, to put anybody down
We're just trying to be friendly, come and watch us answer and play, cause we're the young generation (well, two of us), and we got something to say
Hey, hey we're the Mind Bullets,
You never know where we'll be found.
So you'd better get ready,
We may be comin to your town.
Cell phone use is against the rules by the way. It's called cheating.
So our team is fed up and pretty much wants no more of Gators Dockside. And we were curious about other places to conquer and other food choices.
And whadya know, with no cell phone help at all, we ended up in first place when the final question (in which you wager up to 16 points) was upon us.
Well guess what we did? We got the final question right. But just so that we would have no ties to this place...nothing to make us have to come back, we bet zero points so that we would hopefully win no House Cash. We succeeded. We finished first knowledge-wise, but never have to return if we don't wish to.
We've proven ourselves here. Like the old west, we are going to walk into another saloon and challenge the top gun in the joint. And what they probably won't that we have MIND BULLETS in our guns. Have bullets, will trivia.
Here is the Highlight:
1. The beautiful Nueva joined us and provided entertainment and insight.
Here is the Lowlight:
1. When walking back from turning in a question, as I was walking by Uncle Fester's table, I could clearly hear him saying and pointing to dotcom, "that red head over there has the (mumbled)est blah blah blah..."
I didn't hear what he said and I shut my ears off at the blah blah blah part. Because I wanted to just assume that whatever he was saying was his version of a compliment. Because if it had been something negative, I might have started my first bar brawl. And then me and dvdguy would be running around doing every cliche' in every bar room brawl in the movies we've ever seen.
For the sake of not being furious, I'm going to assume that he was saying something that in his mind was complimentary. Because I can't for the life of me think of what this neanderthal could possibly criticize of dotcom.
Now, either way, I knew dotcom would not be pleased and thus I did not tell her of this during the trivia night. I told her once we were in the parking lot out of loyalty, because if anyone ever said something about me, I'd want to know about it.
In classic dotcom fashion, she remarked that Fester was getting no tongue tonight when they make out.
So, other trivia restaurants out there...look out...we're comin'...we're comin' to get ya...
Here we come...walkin down the street....we get the funniest looks from....everyone we meet....Hey Hey we are Mind Bullets....and people say we trivia around....but we're too busy getting questions right, to put anybody down
We're just trying to be friendly, come and watch us answer and play, cause we're the young generation (well, two of us), and we got something to say
Hey, hey we're the Mind Bullets,
You never know where we'll be found.
So you'd better get ready,
We may be comin to your town.
I should have spilled my drink on that fucktard.
Anonymous, at 6:08 AM
Of all times to gain control of your drinking problem...
DeNirogator, at 6:36 AM
By the way, I did enjoy Nueva informing me upon my arrival that she is not normally there, as if I would have been unaware of that. :)
DeNirogator, at 8:08 AM
My guess would be that he was less than complimentary-- he caught my eye a few times and winked once, but my response was to raise one eyebrow and shoot the MommyGlare Death Ray in his direction. I stopped at that because I wasn't in the mood to change a slashed tire in the parking lot...
Big Stupid F*tards don't usually take too kindly to being turned down.
Anonymous, at 9:00 AM
Don't I know it!
DeNirogator, at 9:02 AM
I wonder how they react to being turned in for cheatin at trivia.
Bet that will make the other perps in lockup move away from him when they are swapping tales.
Anonymous, at 9:40 AM
Hey there, just popping in from DVDGuy's place after reading his version of the trivia debacle. I'm proud of you guys, exercising such restraint. I think I would have walked by the idiot's table while he was cheating on his cell, snatched the cell out of his hands, and dropped it into his beer or a glass of water.
Karl, at 10:32 AM
Considering that all five of us put together don't weigh as much as this guy, and that he's roughly 6'10", and drunk, and a jackass... a threat on our part probably wouldn't be wise.
Though I wouldn't mind waiting for him to walk outside, kicking him in the junk, and then running away.
Anonymous, at 11:12 AM
Dotcom knows kung fu.
And can be unleashed like the tazmanian devil upon anyone who opposes us.
DeNirogator, at 11:17 AM
6'10", and drunk, and a jackass and outweighs five people put together.
Why am I suddenly having flashbacks of the movie the Quick and the Dead?
Anonymous, at 7:10 AM
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