And now, the end is near
Okay, first of all, maybe I should recap the last trivia night for those interested.
We kicked so much booty it was unreal. We had a perfect game going until the final two questions. We had answered every question correctly. And then the host threw out a question that was impossible. By how many times the Earth's size is Jupiter bigger than Earth? You had to get it within 12. The answer was 352. Now who was going to get that right? When I turned in our last (and correct) answer, I told the host, "you ruined our perfect game!" and he said, "I know, I did that on purpose!". For some reason he didn't like the idea of us having a perfect game. Though it all became a moot point as we did miss the final jeopardy, geography question. Not that it mattered, we still got our 40 bucks of house cash.
A few thoughts:
1. Deceivious should be a word.
2. Dvdguy doesn't think it's a sound strategy to blab our answers out loud.
3. I think it would be deceivious of us if we turned in our right answer and then blabbed out a bunch of wrong answers and how sure we are of it. Yes, I know the word "devious" exists..
4. For some reason, dotcom shouting out "Lakers!" is still funny.
5. The first movie JBH attended in the theatre? "The Wizard of Oz". That's right people, the movie that debuted in 1939. And he was 26 when he saw it. Okay, just kidding. It was a re-release of the film. I think dotcom's was darby o'gill and the little people or something. She also remembers seeing Star Wars and a little kid wandering in 10 minutes late blabbing that this was his first movie ever. That kid? Lil' dvdguy.
6. We might take a week off, we might not. Though dvdguy said he wants no part of a week off and would come by himself. He was informed he could not taint the "Mind Bullets" trademarked name if it was just him and not truly the "Mind Bullets". He said maybe he would be "Son of Mind Bullets".
7. There were balloons added to the Kareoke area and thus, it attracted people this week and there was some truly awful singing going on.
Now, onto the Goodbyes. And I'll do what I've done so little of, actually be truthful and not any pretend silliness. I'd like to thank a few people...
Dvdguy: When I saved this dude's life in the war, little did I know he'd follow me around like a little lost puppy everywhere I went. But he's so darn cute I kept feeding him like a fool. I said this would all be real stuff and I've already blown that. Alright, no more jokes. Dvdguy is one of the few friends from back in high school that we managed to stay friends and not say adios sucker. We both "get" our humor so much and are so in tune with each other we almost don't even have to say anything to the other if we are someplace and we both are thinking the same amusing thought. At work, I can go into his area, and even if the TV is on mute, just start riffing on anything that comes on the screen... the words on CNN or Fox news, or if there are people, provide the voices for them...and god bless dvdguy he will laugh everytime. And I certainly think I appreciate his humor as much as anybody as well. And if either of us ever needs anything, the other is always reliably and dependably there.
Gatorham2000/Haji: He never came around too much so I probably shouldn't spend too much time on him, but Dvdguy is right. I do love this guy. He's another person who really enjoys my sense of humor and gets it and he's funny as hell too. We always have a fun time whenever we are around each other and I love his easy going attitude. And while he calls me names and I call him things, we both know we are just guys joking around and never take it seriously.
Lesliedotcom: She's been doing the blog thing longer than anybody I know. Though I'm actually not sure which came first, the dotcom or the jsb. Though Dvdguy has had a film review site for a long time and then it became a blog. Anyway, everyone knows she's intelligent, but my favorite thing about her is that she has an uncanny ability to make me laugh whenever she pleases. And while she can be a tad ornery at times, when she is in a good mood she is tremendously likable. I may have teased her geekiness (which she proudly proclaims), but in all honesty she is a lot cooler than me. The best I can do is fake it. And while she may think of herself as a dork, she really is a badass. And while I'd like to be a badass, I'm much more of a dork than she could ever be, knitting and all.
JBH: A class act. And man does this guy have some knowledge in that noggin. At trivia, if he has an idea on something, I'm almost always inclined to go with whatever he thinks. Very intelligent, very friendly and very amusing. Dvdguy and I have laughed our ass off at some of the things he's done. Most notably the flying menu..."whoops!". And some of the comments he has made are hilarious. He's also a great writer. He seems to write very poetically when he feels so inclined. But above it all, just a classy guy that I admire.
JSB: This guy can be so different in the workplace and online than he is out in the real world. And he's a good guy with a good heart and I respect him greatly. And it's obvious how much he cares about all the countries of the world and the issues we all face. I think me and him share a little bit of social anxiety or shyness at times. And he's also a tad mysterious, but I imagine that's just the way he likes it.
Nueva: Another good thing about JBH, he has great taste in women. This is a gentle, beautiful and kind soul who is just lovely. And also gets rather humorous with a few drinks in her. I loved it when at a bar listening to live music, "Kung fu fighting" was playing and she was doing mock karate chops at the back of dvdguy with him unaware of it.
Pickles: Hadn't been around much lately, busy with work and school. But she's always been supportive of me no matter what and I appreciate it. She's also the most photogenic person I've ever met. It's impossible to take a bad picture of her.
Twerp/Bubblejet: She's like one of my best friends and she never bothered to comment or even read much I don't think. Eh, not her thing and she's shy anyway. But you'd all love her.
Anna/Gunther/Anonymous/Melanie and the rest: Thanks for stopping by and reading and contributing to the silliness.
So that's it, I'll be retiring the "denirogator" name with the blog as well. I've already got a new one.
And as Red Skelton would say, Good night and God bless.
We kicked so much booty it was unreal. We had a perfect game going until the final two questions. We had answered every question correctly. And then the host threw out a question that was impossible. By how many times the Earth's size is Jupiter bigger than Earth? You had to get it within 12. The answer was 352. Now who was going to get that right? When I turned in our last (and correct) answer, I told the host, "you ruined our perfect game!" and he said, "I know, I did that on purpose!". For some reason he didn't like the idea of us having a perfect game. Though it all became a moot point as we did miss the final jeopardy, geography question. Not that it mattered, we still got our 40 bucks of house cash.
A few thoughts:
1. Deceivious should be a word.
2. Dvdguy doesn't think it's a sound strategy to blab our answers out loud.
3. I think it would be deceivious of us if we turned in our right answer and then blabbed out a bunch of wrong answers and how sure we are of it. Yes, I know the word "devious" exists..
4. For some reason, dotcom shouting out "Lakers!" is still funny.
5. The first movie JBH attended in the theatre? "The Wizard of Oz". That's right people, the movie that debuted in 1939. And he was 26 when he saw it. Okay, just kidding. It was a re-release of the film. I think dotcom's was darby o'gill and the little people or something. She also remembers seeing Star Wars and a little kid wandering in 10 minutes late blabbing that this was his first movie ever. That kid? Lil' dvdguy.
6. We might take a week off, we might not. Though dvdguy said he wants no part of a week off and would come by himself. He was informed he could not taint the "Mind Bullets" trademarked name if it was just him and not truly the "Mind Bullets". He said maybe he would be "Son of Mind Bullets".
7. There were balloons added to the Kareoke area and thus, it attracted people this week and there was some truly awful singing going on.
Now, onto the Goodbyes. And I'll do what I've done so little of, actually be truthful and not any pretend silliness. I'd like to thank a few people...
Dvdguy: When I saved this dude's life in the war, little did I know he'd follow me around like a little lost puppy everywhere I went. But he's so darn cute I kept feeding him like a fool. I said this would all be real stuff and I've already blown that. Alright, no more jokes. Dvdguy is one of the few friends from back in high school that we managed to stay friends and not say adios sucker. We both "get" our humor so much and are so in tune with each other we almost don't even have to say anything to the other if we are someplace and we both are thinking the same amusing thought. At work, I can go into his area, and even if the TV is on mute, just start riffing on anything that comes on the screen... the words on CNN or Fox news, or if there are people, provide the voices for them...and god bless dvdguy he will laugh everytime. And I certainly think I appreciate his humor as much as anybody as well. And if either of us ever needs anything, the other is always reliably and dependably there.
Gatorham2000/Haji: He never came around too much so I probably shouldn't spend too much time on him, but Dvdguy is right. I do love this guy. He's another person who really enjoys my sense of humor and gets it and he's funny as hell too. We always have a fun time whenever we are around each other and I love his easy going attitude. And while he calls me names and I call him things, we both know we are just guys joking around and never take it seriously.
Lesliedotcom: She's been doing the blog thing longer than anybody I know. Though I'm actually not sure which came first, the dotcom or the jsb. Though Dvdguy has had a film review site for a long time and then it became a blog. Anyway, everyone knows she's intelligent, but my favorite thing about her is that she has an uncanny ability to make me laugh whenever she pleases. And while she can be a tad ornery at times, when she is in a good mood she is tremendously likable. I may have teased her geekiness (which she proudly proclaims), but in all honesty she is a lot cooler than me. The best I can do is fake it. And while she may think of herself as a dork, she really is a badass. And while I'd like to be a badass, I'm much more of a dork than she could ever be, knitting and all.
JBH: A class act. And man does this guy have some knowledge in that noggin. At trivia, if he has an idea on something, I'm almost always inclined to go with whatever he thinks. Very intelligent, very friendly and very amusing. Dvdguy and I have laughed our ass off at some of the things he's done. Most notably the flying menu..."whoops!". And some of the comments he has made are hilarious. He's also a great writer. He seems to write very poetically when he feels so inclined. But above it all, just a classy guy that I admire.
JSB: This guy can be so different in the workplace and online than he is out in the real world. And he's a good guy with a good heart and I respect him greatly. And it's obvious how much he cares about all the countries of the world and the issues we all face. I think me and him share a little bit of social anxiety or shyness at times. And he's also a tad mysterious, but I imagine that's just the way he likes it.
Nueva: Another good thing about JBH, he has great taste in women. This is a gentle, beautiful and kind soul who is just lovely. And also gets rather humorous with a few drinks in her. I loved it when at a bar listening to live music, "Kung fu fighting" was playing and she was doing mock karate chops at the back of dvdguy with him unaware of it.
Pickles: Hadn't been around much lately, busy with work and school. But she's always been supportive of me no matter what and I appreciate it. She's also the most photogenic person I've ever met. It's impossible to take a bad picture of her.
Twerp/Bubblejet: She's like one of my best friends and she never bothered to comment or even read much I don't think. Eh, not her thing and she's shy anyway. But you'd all love her.
Anna/Gunther/Anonymous/Melanie and the rest: Thanks for stopping by and reading and contributing to the silliness.
So that's it, I'll be retiring the "denirogator" name with the blog as well. I've already got a new one.
And as Red Skelton would say, Good night and God bless.
Is this a suicide note?
Anonymous, at 2:44 PM
No, I wouldn't be going to a new name if that were the case.
Well, I guess it's a suicide note for "denirogator".
DeNirogator, at 4:24 PM
But you're not moving to a new name. Unless you're not telling me this new name. Your other name is the same as this one.
Anonymous, at 4:41 PM
Right, I haven't debuted the new name yet....
But don't worry, you'll hate it.
DeNirogator, at 4:43 PM
thank you for those sincere thoughts. You're still a nincompoop...
(formerly denirogator)
Anonymous, at 7:29 AM
Maybe my pictures will come back in another format somehow
(formerly Whatchamadoodle)
Anonymous, at 11:18 AM
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