Take this Blog and shove it

Monday, January 30, 2006

Huge Announcement!!!!

Listen up everybody!!! I have an announcement to make!!!!

Here I go.....

Balloons are neat.

Also, have you ever noticed that squirrels are kinda cute? But you just wish they would calm down for once and not be so spastic? Why are there no squirrels that just chill and hang out?

In World News: What the heck is up with Canada? I mean can someone explain this to me?

In Planetary News: I've been noticing Mercury has been hanging out real close with the Sun lately, like they are best buds or something. But we've known the Sun longer than Mercury haven't we? What does Mercury thinks it's trying to pull? Back off dude.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Grove Park Inn

Well here are the long awaited pictures from the GPI!! Wait, I don't have a digital camera. Nevermind.

Nueva and JBH were super nice and gracious.

Everyone else were pretty much A-holes.

Okay, maybe that's not true. Everyone was extremely friendly, but the Macke's impressed and they could even find their way into my Friend Rankings some day. Though Paco and Beuregard are pretty tough to beat out.

Thanks to all!

And who won that tourney? I was robbed....
Actually I don't know why I'm asking, everyone I knew had been eliminated by the time I left!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Drunken blog

This is my first ever drunken blog. Let's see what I write about.....

I got home a little bit ago and I'm kinda loopy. But look, my spelling and grammar is still impeccable!!! Did I spell that word okay? If I didn't, I wouldn't have known how to spell it sober either so who cares....

I almost pulled off the upset of the night in the pool tournament. I came within a shot of knocking all my balls in, and I was totally drunk while doing it! And I've only played a handful of times in my life.

Okay, now, for this part of my blog, I'm going to tell you all exactly what I think of the following people....

dvdguy: big stupid asshead.

pickles: freakin' too many of you eskimos taking our jobs

dotcom: doesnt get drunk after 6 or more drinks of wine, I'm impressed.

anna: I have no idea, I think the same of you drunk as I do sober

Okay, moving on.......what else should drunk Chad post about?

Hmmmmmm, I like conversation hearts. But I never read the comments. I bet most people do, but I just look at the flavor and then munch away. I used to look at the comments when I was a little kid, but no more. Just gets in the way of me munchin.

Okay, why don't I end this post before it gets out of hand.....

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


If I were to adopt a nickname, what would you recommend?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Just Stop

The person this message is intended for knows who they are and all I have to say is, just stop it.

Cut it out. Just stop.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Meow Mix

Why do cats get a food so good, they get to ask for it by name? Why can't they make some Chad Mix? (have to use the real name here, denirogator mix doesn't have the same ring to it).

If they would just make this product, then I could just go up to people and say...."..chad...chad....chad". And then hopefully they'd give me some Chad Mix.
And I would purrr.

This is the way the world should work. If you agree with me, just elect me your new King or Leader and it can be so! All of your wildest dreams will come true...

Friday, January 20, 2006

The New Kid in Town.....

Hey everybody, my little actress friend Jen has made herself, as Lesliedotcom would say, "A BigBoy blog" (or BigGirl).
The address is: http://jenstien.blogspot.com/

So give her a visit!

Go Jen!!


BigBoy blog: A blog that will be seen by no more than 3-4 people.

(When she wants to open things up to about 45 million other people, she knows where to go.)


FOUR JOBS YOU'VE HAD IN YOUR LIFE:(not in any order)
1. Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
2. ABC 25 WJXX
3. United Artists Theatres
4. Movie World

1. Die Hard
2. A Christmas Story
3. Wet Hot American Summer
4. Ferris Bueller's Day off/National Lampoon's Vacation

(Honerable mention: Glory, midnight madness, cannonball run, dances with wolves)

1. The Office
2. Curb your Enthusiasm
3. Survivor
4. Beauty and the Geek

1. Bahamas
2. Peru
3. Las Vegas
4. Illinois/North Carolina

1. gatorsports.com
2. netflix
3. myspace.com
4. lesliedotcom/thewatercooler

1. Japanese steak and chicken
2. Mexican enchiladas
3. Corn
4. Filet Mignon

Thursday, January 19, 2006

New Friend Rankings are out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright, that time again kids. You know the drill. Some of you have been very good friends and you will see you have been rewarded in the rankings. Others have dropped in the rankings because they are complete douchbags. Again, I am not responsible for your asinine behavior and can do nothing about this.

1. Trent

2. Guinevierre

3. Atticus

4. Laverne

5. Bobby

6. Killroy

7. Horatio, (sometimes we call him Horatio Hornblower, heehee)

8. Paco

9. Cyrus

10. Guadulupe

Honerable mention in alphabetical order: Anna, Brandy, Brian (yes, that one), Christie, Chuck, David, Jen, Jessica, Katie, Keith, Laura, Leslie, Mandy, Melissa, Patrick, Paul, Peter, Scott, Steve, Stephen, Schmerber and Xander.

Quote from DVDGUY.........

"I hate people. And I'm not overstating that."

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The best show of all time

I ask you, has there ever been a more pefectly conceived, written and acted show in the history of television than "Blossom". Try to think of one, right now. You can't do it can you? CAN YOU?!!!

I rest my case.

Monday, January 16, 2006

I've been exposed

Your Birthdate: January 6

You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you.
Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first.
You aren't content to help those you know... you want to give to the world.
An idealist, you strive for positive change and dream about how much better things could be.

Your strength: Your intuition

Your weakness: You put yourself last

Your power color: Rose

Your power symbol: Cloud

Your power month: June

Friday, January 13, 2006

Just to set the record straight......

Okay, once again I've been inundated with calls, emails, letters and faxes so let me just set the record straight once and for all....

I am NOT a god. I am mortal.

I am not all-knowing, just very close to it (I can understand the confusion on that one).

I was not on VH1's sexiest bodies list, because I declined to be a part of the show. I have a mind, I am not a piece of meat you know...

I am not in "Mensa", because, quite frankly, have you seen those people?

I am not a re-incarnation of James Dean or Clark Cable. As far as I know.

And I am not the most caring, sweet and wonderful guy on the planet. I'm sure I'm in the top 5, but number one? Come on, I have a little humility folks, stop embarrasing me!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Marching to the beat of a different drum

Saw "March of the Penguins" the other day. If you ever thought your life was tough, watch this flick. These penguins life sucks so bad...yet they are practically by themself in the south pole and probably don't even realize it. They probably think, "Oh well, all animals go through this unending torment and never have any time to relax or have fun."

Okay, maybe I'm giving the penguins too much credit for philosophizing, but you know what I mean.

These little guys march like 70 miles or more...really slowly, to their breeding ground. Then they pick a mate and make sweet love. Then, the female lays an egg, gives it to the father to sit on and keep warm, and leaves. The females march back 70 miles to go eat food. Then, they march back, to see their penguin baby for the first time. They somehow feed the penguin baby from the food they ate, like they regurgitate some in their mouth or something disgusting like that.

Now, while the males were waiting for the females to return, they are just sitting in horriblly freezing weather, winds blowing at them...and not eating. They all try to huddle as best they can to protect themselves. The males go about 4 months without eating. Now the females take the baby, and the males march 70 miles to go get food.

Meanwhile, the babies are learning to walk around and are very cute, but they sometimes get attacked by big ugly vulture type predators, while the adults stand there like, "oh jeez, well, nothing I can do about this....I think I'll waddle over here..."

The males march back 70 miles, reunite, have a family photo moment, and then the parents take off again and leave all the kids alone. The kids eventually leave too once they figure things out.

One guilty thing....there are a couple funny moments, like when a Penguin is walking and slips and busts on his ass and then tries to get up like, "I meant to do that...". Also, at one point they show the baby penguins sometimes eat a little TOO much regurgitation, and end up like Violot Beuregard from Willy Wonka turned into a blueberry. They look like they can barely move and are going, "oh dude, maybe I should practice moderation when I eat...I'm really letting myself go".

Moral of the story: If there is such a thing as reincarnation, and you emerge from an egg and realize you are now a penguin, you are screwed royally. I would just be like, "Oh hell no, I am not a penguin!! I am not going through that bullshit". And then I would end it all and commit penguinside.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Now Come On....

Saw this today:

"Of the 10 TV shows with the most product placements, seven were reality series. Topping the list was NBC's The Contender, which recorded 7,514 "brand occurrences" in just 15 telecasts -- or more than 500 per telecast."

Okay, is it possible this is somehow incorrect? There are about 48 minutes in an hour show minus the commercials. Doing the math, this would work out to be almost 10 and a half product placements PER MINUTE.

I saw many episodes of "The Contender" and I don't recall something like this:

"I think you need to box Joey, hand me that Coke, because Joey can be beat, he puts on his Nike shoes one foot at a time just like you, and when he arrives in his Dodge Stratus and looks at his Timex watch, he'll know that it's time to get some BC headache powder, cause his head is gonna get a pounding from your pugilistic skills. Now lets go head to the border and grab a gordita and a refreshing Mountain Dew before we make our way to the Mirage Casino for the bout inside Verizon Wireless stadium."

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Alright listen up, a lot of you saps have been writing, calling and faxing for me to bestow upon you more pearls of wisdom. Well, FINE. If it will shut you up for at least another day, I'll oblige with a few.....

If you are parched, try finding yourself a beverage. You won't believe the positive benefits that will occur.

If you are practacing for Easter with Denirogator, and you are hiding easter eggs for Denirogator to find, you better hide those mutherfuckers real good, because I'm gonna find every last fucking one of them. I don't play around okay? Do NOT waste my time and hide a fucking egg sitting on a table or in the middle of the couch or any of that bullshit. Make like you are fuckin' david copperfield and make those little bastards disappear. If you can't give me a challenge, then I'm not going to practice for Easter with you anymore, and then everyone loses, alright?

And finally, if you like having pretty trees and plants and flowers and the like around to make the world a beautiful place, keep exhaling that carbion dioxide, because they crave that shit like crack. I'm not kidding. They can't get enough of it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I got some not dying to attend to.....

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Top 10 favorite songs

It's almost impossible to name your 10 favorite songs. There are always songs at any given moment that you are really into and there are thousands of songs we all love. But, I thought I would just challenge myself to come up with 10, if by the old cliche', I was stuck on a desert island and could only choose 10.

1. If you could read my mind (Gordon Lightfoot)

2. Longer (Dan Folgerberg)

3. Yesterday (The Beatles)

4. Baba O'riley (The Who)

5. Layla (Eric Clapton)

6. Peaceful, Easy Feeling (The Eagles)

7. Cigarros (System of a Down) (or a good one from Rob Zombie would do)

8. Honesty (Billy Joel)

9. Reflections of my life (Marmalade)

10 Maybe (the musical "Annie")

Danny's song, Suspicious Minds could also easily be substituted in this top ten.

This list doesn't even scratch the surface of songs and bands I adore, such as The Doors, led zeppelin, elton john, david bowie, the stones, tenacious D, etc etc. But I would probably be pretty happy listening to these 10 every day of my life if I had to.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Me and you are friends, sucka!

Alright everybody, I have a proclamation to make. If I am a friend of yours, I have just become your best friend. From here on out, when somebody asks you who your best friend is, you will reply: "Why, Denirogator is!" or my actual birth name. This decision is final and just accept it and move on. I don't want to hear any whining.

If we are not friends, I just became a friend of yours, so suck on that.

(Of course, if you are a co-worker of mine, none of the above applies)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

Everyone has some guilty pleasures. Things they adore that might not be the coolest thing in the world. I'll share a few of mine...

Soft Rock: I love all music, even pretty ballads that I would not want to be caught blaring from my truck with the windows down. If the windows are down....System of a Down, Bloodhoud gang, Rob Zombie, CAKE or Black-eyed peas will do.....

Sweets: So I still have the same sweet tooth I had when I was a kid. I'm a big kid now and I can buy all the candy I want without having to ask anyone's permission. So there.

Nostaliga: Particularly holiday specials we watched as kids. I freakin love "Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas" to death, along with just about any Rankin/Bass special such as "Rudolph", etc. Back when we were young, we had no cares in the world. No financial or job worries, no relationship problems, no stress, no dvdguy or anything like that.

So, how about you, care to share any guilty pleasures of yours?

The Great and All-Powerful Lesliedotcom

Well today is lesliedotcom's birthday and I think I may have given her the best present she could hope for: The satisfaction of making me look foolish. And I know she finds that immensely satisfying because she practically glows and beams with joy, hidden under a non-chalant attitude.

I got this little IQ puzzle in my Christmas stocking where you have to seperate these two intertwined hook like metal pieces. I and a friend could not make heads or tails of it. I was fed up with it. So knowing that dotcom has tested with a high IQ, I threw it at her and told her if she could do it I'd forever proclaim her great and all powerful.

She had it seperated in under a minute and a half. She tried to seem ho-hum about it but could barely contain a Chessire Cat-like grin afterwards.

She usually doesn't think I give her any credit, but on this day, I give her full credit and due respect. She accepted the challenge and almost instantly succeeded. I later was able to seperate the things myself a few times, but it took me awhile and right now I almost feel like it was luck, because I have been unable to duplicate it.

For this ONE day you are great and all-powerful miss dotcom, tomorrow the carriage turns back into a pumpkin and you go back to being an uber-dork. Happy Birthday.

Monday, January 02, 2006

I have seen movies

Recent movies I've watched: Cry Wolf, Elephant, Grizzly Man and watched "Clue" and "It's a Wonderful Life" again.
Elephant was certainly odd, cry wolf a standard slasher pic and the older ones great as usual.
Grizzly man is an excellent documentary that chronicals a nutjob that lived with wild grizzly bears for 13 summers before he and his girlfriend were eaten by one. He taped himself during all this time so there was tons of footage to work with. The guy clearly has a screw loose despite his love for animals.
I remember after I watched "Crash", my dad told me he couldn't believe I liked it. I think it was a little too edgy for pop. I saw this weekend on "Ebert and Roeper", Ebert named it the best film of 2005.
They both had King Kong in their top ten. Haven't seen it.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006 Resolutions!!!!!!!!!!

Well it's 2006 now, so I guess I should make a resolution right? Hmmmm.....gotta make it good and unique.

Okay, My resolution is to smack each and every one of my so-called friends in the face, when they are least expecting it. Why do such a thing? Well, I'm sure at some point in our friendship they have done something to deserve it, and I was just too much of a gentleman to take the appropriate action.